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(Y/N)'s POV

The house in front of me burned with an intense heat. Firefighters rushed all around me trying to control the blaze. Tears streamed down my face while a policeman tried his best to comfort me.

Policeman: "It'll be okay son. I know you didn't mean it. Accidents happen." His hand rubbed my back as even more tears flowed.

???: "(Y/N)!!" I looked up to see my Aunt running over to me. My feet got me up and I ran to her. She feel to her knees and embraced me.

(Y/N): "I'm so sorry." She stoked my hair while I cried into her chest. Her embrace tighten on me.

Aunt: "It's okay (Y/N). I'm here now." Footsteps could be heard from behind me.

Policeman: "Are you family to this young man?" My Aunt nodded. "I'll need you both to come with me so we can fill out some papers."

My Aunt picked me up while I held onto her. The rest of it was a blur.
My eyes opened and I sat up. Sweat was falling from my forehead. Every since I can remember I've always had that dream.

Aunt: "Breakfast is ready!!" Her voice echoed from downstairs. My arm wiped the sweat from my brow and I made my way downstairs. Uncle was already at the table eating while Aunt cooked.

Uncle: "Morning my boy!" He smiled.

(Y/N): "Morning Uncle. Morning Aunt." I sat down next to him and a plate of food was placed in front of me. The smell of it made my stomach growl. I grabbed my fork and dug in.

Aunt: "You must be hungry." She smiled and ate her food.

Uncle: "Of course he would be. He's a growing young man." We chuckled at the notion. It's been a while since I came to live with my Aunt and Uncle. It's been a wonderful thing.

(Y/N): "By the way, did the mail come in today?" My Aunt nodded and got up from the chair. She went to the counter and shifted through the mail. Her hand grabbed one and brought it to me.

Aunt: "You have a letter from Beacon!" Her face held a wide smile. My eyes widen in shock when I saw it. A seal was stamped on it proving that it was indeed from Beacon Academy. My hands ripped it open and I read the letter.

Dear Mister (Y/N),

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Beacon Academy. This letter means you are one step closer to becoming a Hunter. You are required to bring your own weapon. School supplies shall be given after orientation. Welcome to Beacon.

Signed, Professor Ozpin

Headmaster of Beacon Academy

My Aunt shrieked happily while my Uncle patted me on the back. Both of them gave me a hug while I smiled happily. This was one of the best moments of my life.

Timeskip - 1 Month

We arrived at the bullheads a little early so we wouldn't be late. I got out of the car and walked to the trunk. It popped open to reveal my prized weapon Huǒyàn. The steel was tempered to withstand extreme heat and glistened red when exposed to light.

It's base form was a katana, but could transform into a revolver. In its revolver form I could either shot it with a six round cylinder or I can replace the cylinder with one of my Overload cylinders. An Overload cylinder allows me to fire a specialized dust round.

It takes me a little bit to charge the shot, but causes massive damage. I have a cylinder for each element, but only one of each. It takes me a while to create them so I'm pressed for time.

Flaming Passion (Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now