A couple of noble families who did not join the collusion secretly heaved a sigh of relief as they watched what happened to the five families recently. Fortunately, they had not joined the wrong side.

They still had some sense and could at least ensure the survival of their families. They really didn't wish for any huge success and power at the moment—they just wanted to stay alive.

These two families also wrote down honestly how the five families had persuaded them to join. They wanted to reveal every detail of the conspiracy to Young Master Xie to show their loyalty.

However, the entire scene in Ning An City was completely controlled by Xie Limo's mood and orders. Once Xie Limo relayed his commands, anyone who was implicated in this matter—regardless of whether he was an individual or a family—would be dealt with.

At that moment, everyone realized how incredibly precious Yun Bixue was to Xie Limo. It wasn't just a rumor, it was the truth!

Chapter 562 Unable To Kill Young Master Xie

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Regarding Xie Limo's commands, some were frightened, while others were more than happy. The latter group always felt glad that they had been able to survive.

The five families continued to meet secretly, with the Fang family leading them. They were in the middle of a discussion to find a solution for their predicament.

"Xie Limo intentionally gave such orders to make us flustered and confused. Aren't we doing well now? That's why we absolutely cannot reveal any traces of our plan."

"Yes, Brother Yang is right. We must remain calm. We're fine now, and as long as he has nothing on us, Xie Limo wouldn't dare to do anything to us."

"Don't forget that this Xie Limo is pretty tough. It was so dangerous that night, but he walked away without a scratch."

"He's so young, yet he has such charisma. It's a pity that we're going against him. He truly is so strong that he can't be killed. We didn't even manage to kill him even after waiting for such an opportunity for a long time."

"What kind of power does the Xie family have? They can't really be that terrifying, can they?"

"You're just scaring yourself. If he's that powerful, he would have acted long ago. He didn't need to make a move now."

"That's right. We don't have to scare ourselves."

"We're to stay quiet for a while, then transfer our money and businesses to the south. Before we leave, we'll fight them till they're helpless to retaliate. Hmph! Once we reach south, we'll be in the Wang family's territory. Nobody can do anything to us."


When An Yexuan found out that Yun Bixue was still well and alive, he couldn't describe the feeling he felt in his heart. A faint glint flashed across his eyes, but it turned dark and gloomy in a split second.

As for Su Lenghan, when he learned that Yun Bixue was safe and sound, he heaved a sigh of relief. He held his daughter in his arms while gently feeding her milk. These actions were becoming more and more familiar to him.

The nurses and doctors grew to admire him. Such careful and patient men who were full of charm were scarce nowadays. Some of them didn't mind that he had a child, and some were even willing to become the child's mother.

However, Su Lenghan had been utterly devastated over his relationship with Meng Xinyan. Besides Yun Bixue, he no longer had any hope when it came to women. He looked at everyone as if they were a block a wood—he didn't feel anything towards them at all.

Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife (220+)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu