After hearing Xie Limo's words, Xie Liu hurriedly left to carry out his orders at once. Because of the Demon's escape, the departments in Ning An City were mobilized, plunging the city into chaos.

It was a night that was fated to be filled with misfortunes. No one knew that this night would be a turning point in Ning An City's history.

Chapter 542 The Home That She Was Reluctant To Part With

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

A thought struck Xie Limo, and he called Xie Qi over and ordered, "Watch the noble families on this list closely." Since the assassins were hired by these families, it was highly possible that they were the ones behind the Demon's escape.

If these noble families wanted to make an enemy out of him, he wouldn't mind annihilating them.

However, tonight, Xie Limo had overlooked a problem. It wasn't exactly an oversight because no one had expected that the danger would be at Xie Limo's villa.

No one would have thought or considered his villa since the security there was iron-tight. Furthermore, no one would have expected the Demon to try to kill Xie Limo instead of escaping.

Even if the Xie family villa had the best technology, there was no stopping the fire that engulfed it. With the aid of strong winds, the flames spread quickly as it raged on, as though it was planned from the start.

The fire grew stronger, and it soared into the skies. Even the Xie family's brilliant guards couldn't go against it.

Everyone's first reaction was to rescue Young Madam!

Yun Bixue fell asleep with the lights on, so the reddish yellow light emitted by the fire didn't rouse her. She only opened her eyes when she inhaled the smoke and choked on it.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was taken by surprise. Outside the window, flames were licking the sky, dyeing the entire sky crimson as they illuminated her eyes.

Yun Bixue's heart started beating furiously. Without a second thought, she used the blanket to cover her nose, but she was still choking on the smoke, and it caused her to tear up involuntarily.

"Young Madam, quick! Come out!"

The bodyguards shoved the door open and escorted Yun Bixue as they ran down the stairs. The smoke billowed everywhere. Everything happened in a flash. The villa had always been safe, and it even had the best technology to prevent fires and theft, so how could it be possible for the fire to be so strong and persistent?

She staggered to the main entrance and paused when she reached the front yard. The yard was also covered in flames. Yun Bixue turned her head to look at the burning villa as pieces of it started falling apart.

The pain in her heart was sharp and intense. This was her house with Xie Limo, and she remembered every moment and detail that she had spent living in this house.

Starting from the time when she was at her lowest point and when she first collected the certificate, she remembered all those precious memories—the first time when he brought her to the villa, he cooked for her, tucked her in the bed... In that bedroom, where their first time happened... So many of their first times happened in this house... The gifts that Xie Limo gave to her were also inside...

No matter the weather, he always brought her home. This was her home...

Her heart suddenly felt empty, as though everything inside had been carved out.

"Young Madam, we have to leave quickly."

"My home... Everyone, extinguish the fire! The fire..." She wanted badly to stop the fire and protect this place.

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