❤ Trapped Together❤

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Shion and yayoi was teamed up together to arrest Shaogo at the certain places where there were computers and any other techs but as they were they find out that he tricked them and lock them into an empty dark room with few phycos. They did what they had to and killed them off. It was hard to not talked to each other while fighting off, they both have been acting like they were strangers for a few days until yayoi speak up "BEHIND YOU! SHION BEHIND YOU!" she yelled at the blonde girl at the top of her lungs. Shion turned around and shot the last guy in his forehead. "Thanks..." she mumbles and Hope's the girl heard her. Instead yayoi went to find any ways to get them out of there but nothing, no signal no power and the doors were locked up. Yayoi finally gaved up and lay on the wall

Shion POV

I grabbed 2 used  water bottles that I found in the table and walked towards yayoi. "Hey we will be fine, they will be fine relax already." I manage to say in a calm voice. I was afraid too, that guy really gets in my nerves and scares everyone in our team. I opened the cap and handed the water. After watching her finished drinking the other half of, I began talking to her.

"You know...." I sat down next to her with the flashlight pointing the wall. "The day when you started to ignore me, I always wondered what was so special of going to visiting that band, I mean I understand your passion on music but something is off... it's like going to get some water and coming back  still thirsty as if you haven't drinking in days." I looked at her waiting for any answer or expression but nothing.

"Yes, I agree I might be wrong and all this is my theory and my point of view anyways. I am just... worried about you... worried about us plus not talking to me about it will make the situation worse..." I exhale heavily releasing whatever I had gain inside

"I...I been....I been in depression lately..." she finally speaks "please tell me the whole story." I wasn't going to let her go off like that, I wanted to know too. What was causing her to do this. "I... it started when I suddenly saw her at the concert. I wasn't mad at you or anything I just felt like idk... I just missed her... " she cover her eyes breathing heavily.

I am seriously going to be like those psychopaths  when I find out who it is!!!

I thought of every evil things but outside I was remaining calm and  staring at her. "Hey...its okay to be honest I mean...I understand why woul-"

"No.... it's my fault... I was the one who should've talked to you about this sooner. I mean my feelings for you have never changed either forgave me... shion, I...I just don't know what I am doing." She breaks down in tears. I gently hugged her and patted her head while wondering who the girl was and how to chop her head off.

"God I really need my cigarette.... I wished I brought it with me" I mumbled out.

"They will probably come after us in 30 mins or so..." she broke the hug and wipes out her tears. "A-are you mad at me?" She looks in disappointment waiting for me to answer yes

I sight "you should have at least tell me you needed space, instead of acting like our feelings never existed before"

"Yes... you are right..." A small smile appeared on my face and looked at her once more. "So which girl were talking about?" I ask changing the topic. She look at me expression less "Oh come on, it's not like I am going to kill her!" She nods her head "Its fine I am not going to that band anyways."

I raise my eyebrows "did.... you two..."
"No. NO. what the hell is wrong with you? We just... hang out a little that's it."  I looked at the dead person, zooning out until she gently grabs my hand. I turned around and looked at our hands "don't... do it again? Okay....? I just..." she grabs my chin up and presses her lips against mine "okay.... I won't." I smirked at her actions  "guess I wasn't the only one that missed this moment" unexpectedly her face became red but she was still acting expressionless. I grabbed her neck tie and pulled it slowly, not wanting to hurt her then passionately we start making out.

 I grabbed her neck tie and pulled it slowly, not wanting to hurt her then passionately we start making out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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