Origin (English ver.)

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Piper Hall, this is the name of the protagonist of the Circus Hall horror show, a girl who has the strange gift of moving her head in every way possible, all because of her strangely flexible neck.
Now that she's moved to a small town with her despicable family, all the 16-year-old wants is to try to make friends, usually everyone is terrified of her.
Not much time left to think about their new school because once they arrived in the city, they had to prepare for an opening of the shows in the small town.
Piper really hates being part of this circus, mainly because she's the protagonist of the horror show! The only thing she likes is her trage ... A black and white plaid dress just above the knee with the short, puffed sleeves, black tights, pigtails in her incredibly black hair and, best of all, her makeup, his face had a macabre black smile and black diamond-shaped designs on both eyes ...
That was fun, during the show, all she liked to see was the amazement and fear in the audience's eyes as Piper twisted her head and twisted her neck in various ways ... Piper never knew why, but she loved to see him. terror in people's eyes ...

As he made his presentation, he noticed that there were two girls in the crowd who looked about the same age, both laughed and mocked at Piper, that feeling was terrible ... She really hated that job ...


The girl did not sleep well because she was very anxious for her first day of school, now her anxiety was higher because she was almost at the entrance of school! Piper tried to leave early so she wouldn't have to see her father beat him almost daily for sheer fun.
Her whole family was sick, her mother, whose name was Amellia, was a drug addict, but still, she was still the closest person to Piper, her older brother, Joseph, always trying to touch Piper in the wrong ways. Worst of all, Frank, his father, he just hated Piper and beat her almost every tomorrow and night, it had shaken Piper's sanity and she knew it, knew that if she didn't control herself, she'd do something terrible someday. she did have the courage to kill someone ...
No wonder when I was in 2nd grade, I tried to rip a little girl's arm off using scissors.

Piper was now in school, had already found her class and was sitting by the window, she was analyzing the people there, and to her surprise, the two girls who laughed at her the night before were of her class, Piper tried not to look too much at her. both because I knew they were talking to other people about the circus and the horror show.
The two girls got up and stood in the middle of the room, then the shorter one exclaimed:
“Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, we have a new student!” The girl points to Piper. “Why don't you talk about yourself ?!

Piper doesn't understand, but gets up and decides to say something:
- Eh ... My name is Piper Hall, but you can call me some nickname ...
Soon the taller girl laughs and whispers something to the other, then exclaims:
"So can we call you Little Freak?" Or without skull ??
Everyone in the room laughed, of course they knew it, the girls had told it all, Piper felt horrible and sat down again covering her face.
The laughter was loud and they both commented to each other about the "Little Freak" ... Until someone's older voice echoed around the room because it was a shout:
It was the first time teacher, everyone sat down and Piper realized that Ingridy and Thays were furious that they had been drawn to attention and now they were staring at her, her first day of school started horrible, probably no one would want to talk to Piper, so she preferred to be alone. during the break and all other times.


After his terrible day at school, Piper walked through a square near a forest, didn't want to go home, so turned off.
As she was leaving school, a group of boys passed Piper and shouted "Little Freak" to her, you can tell that this school is horrible.
The feeling of hatred and humiliation overwhelmed the girl, for she was alone again in some place as she mourned like a sick man, the terrible vicious cycle that haunted her, yet another city where she would probably walk lonely through the streets at dawn, yes. Piper used to go out at dawn to walk or raid random graveyards.
- I should have known that nothing would be different ...

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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