"What is up with you?" I asked, giving her a weird look.

"He has realized his mistake, Chloe. He genuinely loves you. Don't you think he deserves another chance?"

"Wait, did Adrian speak to you?"


I groaned and sat down. "I knew it!"

"He cried, Chloe. You know I was on your side but when he spoke to me yesterday, I could see how much you meant to him. I mean, Adrian Winters cried! He loathes himself for ruining your relationship. I know you've given him one too many chances, but he's for real this time."

I sighed. "Even if he does love me now, I can't be with him. I don't have feelings for him anymore. I don't love him, Vivi. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first... everything but I just don't love him anymore."

"Who is it then? Is it Caleb?"

"What, you don't approve of Caleb?"

"So it is Caleb."

"No it's not Caleb! Must there always be someone else? I don't love Adrian! Period!" I snapped. Vivi raised her hands in surrender.

"Fine fine! Jeez, what is up with you?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I've been kinda irritable lately. It doesn't help that Adrian accosted me first thing in the morning."

"I'm sorry for pushing. Maybe we should go to the mall today?"

"Ah that reminds me, let's hang at the mall today with Zara."

Vivi's brow furrowed. "Zara Al-Kuwari?"

"Yea, her. I already invited her and everything,"

"Oh, ok. I don't really know her."

"Somehow, I have a feeling that you guys will get along well. She has a good taste in fashion."

"Oh thank heavens. I'm tired of dragging yours and Alexa's uninterested asses to designer stores," Vivi laughed.

I found myself in the library with Dylan. Our History teacher was absent and George headed to the gym while Dylan and I decided to hit the library.

"How's things with Levi?" I asked Dylan, walking to the Dan Brown section.

He shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

"You guess?" I pried.

"He came out when he was fifteen, it's kinda the reason he doesn't have much friends there. Like he said, they're all rich snobs."

"Okay... so?" I pressed as I scanned the bookshelf.

"He's kinda pissed that I haven't even told my close friends about us. You're the only one who knows. How can he just expect me to come out all of a sudden?"

I contemplated between The Lost Symbol and Inferno. "Dyl, you gotta think from his point of view. You guys are finally dating, he must be ecstatic to have a boyfriend like you. But you are literally hiding him."

"I'm not hiding him! I have no idea how people are going to react to the fact that I'm gay and have a boyfriend," he said exasperatedly as I grabbed Inferno.

"Well the girls are definitely gonna be devastated," I nudged him playfully, the corners of my mouth turning up. He rolled his eyes.

We walked over to a table and sat down. He sighed and rested his head on the table.

"You guys never told me serious relationships are so complicated," he groaned.

"You've been in relationships before," I pointed out.

"Yea, but I never cared for girls. I never loved them..."

"Loved?" I asked, gaping. His eyes widened.

"Shit. Don't tell Levi. Please."

I smiled and mimicked zipping my mouth shut. I flipped mindlessly through the book and sighed.

"I've read Inferno too many times. I'm gonna go and grab a Paulo Coelho book," I said and walked towards the C section.

I looked around for The Alchemist and sighed when I saw that it was too high for me. The small stepladder was nowhere to be found. I stood on my tiptoes but my fingers just brushed the bottom of the book. Maybe if I jumped a little...

I jumped and tried to grab the book, but in vain. A light chuckle behind me made me freeze and a hand appeared on top of mine, holding the book easily.

"Um, thanks," I said and turned. Bad idea.

His hand was still on the book and my back was pressed against the bookshelf. The inches between us seemed too little as his green eyes captured mine, knocking my breath away. He was drowning me in those deep green eyes and I was trying to claw my way to the surface, to reality.

Caleb stepped back and handed me the book, green eyes glittering.

"Here you go," his voice was deliciously rich.

"Um, thanks," I said and took the book from him. Walk away, walk away...

"Libraries seem to be our thing, huh?" he smiled. God, why did have to be so hot?

"Yea," I laughed lightly. "You're always coming to my rescue in the library."

He looked down, smiling. "An honor."

I smiled and hurried back to Dylan.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"What?" I asked back, confused.

"You're pink and smiling like a schoolgirl."

I shrugged. "Well to be fair, I am a schoolgirl."

His eyes focused on someone behind me. "Ah. Eaton."


"You come out all giddy and blushing and Eaton walks out of the same row, smiling ear to ear. What are the odds?"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

I took my phone out and texted Levi, telling him we need to meet up. He replied a few seconds later and soon we were planning to meet up tomorrow, since I already had plans today. I looked up and saw Dylan reading The Alchemist. Keith was watching us with his usual bored look.

"Hey Keith," I called out.

He raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Why didn't you just take the damn book for me when I couldn't reach it?"

He shrugged, a smile playing on his lips. "He was eager enough to take it for you anyways. And then I didn't want to interrupt the moment."

Dylan smirked. "The moment, huh?"

I blushed deeply. "Shut up."

"Suuureeee," he drawled and went back to reading, still smirking smugly.

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