In the end, Chen Pei passed out. Father Meng was stunned as he sat on the floor with tears on his face. He was full of regret and hatred. The thought that he had almost given his entire company to outsiders pricked his heart.


When Meng Xintong saw the response to this news, the corners of her lips turned up to reveal a mocking smile. She had already moved out, and her servants at home had called her today to report about the situation. Actually, she didn't care about this at all. It wasn't her business how harsh Father Meng was hitting Chen Pei. Chen Pei was just a part of her past and was no longer a threat to her.

Even if her father regretted everything he had done to her and her mother, she didn't really care anymore. If not for this scandalous exposé, she believed that her father would still hate her. Now, she no longer craved his fatherly love. She felt contented with Zhou Pingyu by her side.

After seeing the Meng family's entertaining show, she was now looking forward to the Su family's upcoming drama. Would the Su family still regard Meng Xinyan as a gem after finding out her real identity? Would they still think that Su Lenghan had made the right decision to abandon Yun Bixue back then?

Chapter 432 Absurd Person

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Meng Xintong knew, without a doubt, that the Su family would regret their actions. After Chen Pei had been exposed, the marriage alliance between the Su and Meng families remained in name only. As a daughter, she still had a good understanding of her father. When he hated someone, he would truly hate that person to the core. If Chen Pei dared to treat him in this manner, he would not care if Meng Xinyan lived or died.

She believed that her father would definitely not lend a helping hand to the Su family ever again. Even if Meng Xinyan were still his daughter, with Chen Pei around, Father Meng surely wouldn't bother about her.

In fact, everything unfolded in the same way that Meng Xintong had expected. The Su family had also begun to blow up and collapse.

After receiving the news, Mother Su immediately fainted and was sent to the hospital once again. She didn't regain consciousness for a while. When Su Lenghan heard what happened, he canceled his ongoing meeting and rushed to the hospital.

Father Su sighed in despair as he regretted their involvement with Meng Xinyan. What kind of person had their family allowed in? She had caused their family to become a laughing stock incessantly.

Now, a lot of people were mocking the Su family. They talked about how the Su family had abandoned the Yun family and chosen the Meng family instead. In the end, Meng Xinyan amounted to nothing, while Yun Bixue became the heir to the Yun family. This naked truth was indeed a slap across their faces.

Throughout the day, Father Su sighed continuously. His sorrows had turned all his hair white.

As for Meng Xinyan, she was unaware of this latest scandal as she avoided reading the news lately. After waking up at noon and seeing that lunch was not yet ready, she began yelling, "It's already so late! Don't you all know that lunch should be on the table by now? What do you get paid for?"

At that time, Father Su was sitting on the couch. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still throwing her weight around, he raised his voice, "If you still want to stay in this home, you better stay humble and quiet, or else I will throw you out. " What had happened to his Su family? Why had they allowed someone like this to enter the family?

Meng Xinyan stared at Father Su in disbelief. "Father, were you talking to me?" In the past, Father Su had always remained calm. No matter what she said or what she did, he had never criticized and scolded her. What happened to him today?

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