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Rodolph's POV:

When I kind of figured out what the mortals will do, I shook my head and looked at Gregory. He then launched at the mortal below him "Gregory No!" I shouted, then the light flashed. He screamed in pain, but when the light went off, I flew up to him and took him away. "What are you doing here?" he asked me. "I followed you, I thought you were heading for trouble and... I was right" I answered.

Your POV:

"Dads always supporting you, you talk him into this creepy castle tour. He said yes not me" mom told me. "I know," I said looking down. "This is supposed to be fun, but you're taking this vampire thing too seriously," my mom said looking a bit angry. "I mean I could've said your right until 10 minutes ago, but now I've have seen- "my mom cut me off. "No, but! You're really starting to worry us" she said grabbing my shoulders. "Mom! Look!" I said as I pointed the shadowy figures behind her. My dad came up and pulled me and mom close until I noticed it was just some old people. "We heard some noise," the man said. "(idk what the women say it was germen)" she said, but kind of broke down the last word. "Vampires?!" I answered a little excited. "Anyway we came to welcome you, (blah blah it is not important and I don't know what they are saying so yeah)

*Time skip to when they got their rooms*

Rudolph's POV:

I finally made it back as my mother and father came up to me. "What happened *gasp* Let me help you" mother said holding Gregory. "Mother please," Gregory said weakly. "Who did this" father asked. Gregory just mumbled "He went outside and disobeyed me! Was it Rookery? Did he fallow you" father asked again. "You must lie down," mother said put Gregory on his coffin.

(You know what this is all the boring part so let's just skip to when Rudolph and his family split up If you want to know just watch the movie, but it is boring)

"I'll distract them! You escape" I told them "No...," my father said weakly (because we were shot by light) "It's too dangerous," mother told me. "I'm a VAMPIRE! Not a chicken" I said going right towards the airplane that was chasing us. I climbed on the window and hissed and made the pilot scared and let go of his controller. I looked back to see everyone running away. Then I flew straight down and it fallowed. 'the plane is so close!' I thought to boost my speed, then when I was close to the ground enough I flew up. And flew away.

*Time skip! (again)*

I just sat on a tree near Rookery and Manny just looking. "We've got company!" Manny called out pointing at me. Then Rookery looked at me "You dirty little bloodsucker!" he shouted flashing the light at me. And I flew away as fast as I can as he still tried to get me with the light.

My Little Vampire  (Rudolph Sackville-Bagg x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now