The End

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The wave of destruction hurdled in the direction of The scarif tower base. The sunny, tropical, ocean planet has turned into a war zone with no intentions of surviving. Without the help of their friends from above the shield, Rogue One never would've captured the plans and sent the signal for the rebels to retrieve. The rebels would've been at their end. At briefing where Jyn suggested capturing the plans, they had originally ensured her it was an insane idea that just couldn't be done. "What chance do we have? The question is 'what choice?'"
She had changed the mind of a few leaders which in turn helped Rogue one in the end. But what did they have to lose? "Run, Hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces. You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to submission. The time to fight is now!"
She remembered something Cassian had said to her, relaying her newfound belief in the rebellion to the leaders. "We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope."
He had told her in a time where she believed she didn't have a place in the war or the rebellion. Once she realized how imperative the defeat of the Empire was, and what it meant to her personally-(as it was her papa's life work) she had to do something even if the leaders wouldn't. Together Cassian and Jyn along with their new friends, banded together with a few rebels who believed in her and formed the mission team Rogue One.
Cassian had smiled at her a little for the first time in passing as they prepared to lift off. "Welcome Home."
"I'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad," she said, by way of explanation.
Mission accomplished. But the two were far from getting out alive. They'd lost friends and family along the way. Cassian had been fighting since he was 6 years old. It was a long and weary road that led to this moment. Their victory. Lifting Cassian from the floor of the tower where he had just heroically saved her and helped her send out the plans, they quickly boarded the lift and held each other up the best they could. Silence. What was there to say? There wasn't anything they could say that the other wasn't already thinking. Holding him up, barely able to carry him herself the two stumbled out to the beach next to the imperial hangar. A war fought in the sky above them. X-wings, ties, freighters, star fighters ships blowing up. Just on the horizon the Death Star emerged. It seemed as though their time was ending even sooner. With a loud bang, the planet shook and the ground seemed to start turning from the inside out. Helping him sit she sat next to him, her hand lingering on his for just a moment, as she watched their death face to face closer each second.
"Your father would've been proud of you." Cassian reached across to take her hand. She couldn't say anything, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Instead she held his hand tighter and offered a sad smile. She began to wonder what it would've been like if they'd survived. What kind of life she would've had. Without warning a small imperial freighter hummed, tossing their hair above them. The door slid open and there stood a small group of injured rebels in disguise. Without hesitation Jyn picked Cassian back up and helped him into the ship along with the rest of the rebels. The ship rumbled and shook and Jyn wasn't sure they would make it before the destruction took them over. She climbed in herself and collapsed on the ground next to Cassian who still held onto her. The ship flew higher and higher into the atmosphere where they could enter hyperspace. Jyn didn't worry anymore, but instead looked down at her partner who seemed to be dying in her arms. She tried to keep his attention, looking down at him and holding him up trying to relieve him from pain. Silently soothing him as best of her ability that she knew how. Her own eyes felt heavy, but she persisted. Moments later he lost consciousness in her arms, and she held him close as she fell into a hazy in and out slumber on the ground next to him.

A myriad of spaceships were at war with each other in the sky, the sound of battle kept him alert in his weakened state. Clutching a wound on his side with one hand and a blaster in the other, exiting the lift. The clamor of blasts around them masking his limping approach. The Rebel soldier dug deep to avoid doubling over and fainting. Finally planting himself against some circular foundation, he then took aim at the director before pulling the trigger. A dark hole burnt itself through that pristine cape of the director before he slumped over, possibly dead. Years of training informed to keep on eye on him anyway. A smile flickered across his face once he saw she was okay. A second or two and Jyn would be the one face down, he buried the thought and focused on the task at hand. Time was running out, good thing Jyn was more than capable. He watched her transmit the sought-after plans to the Rebel fleet above them. Their fallen brothers sacrifice would not be in vain now, he felt relieved. She bolted towards the defeated imperial and he drew her back. Resting an arm over her shoulders, they made an attempt to somehow survive this, going back to the lift.

"Do you think anybody's listening?"
"I do.. someone's out there."

At the beach, the sky was a beautiful tangerine as the sun. In the distance, it was like another planet was forming before them, growing in mass. It spelled doom. Helped down into the sand, he'd imagined his final moments being much worse. With her there, it was all he could think for a while. "Your father would've been proud of you." His hand clasped onto hers as she moved it towards him. This was it. Until, one of the imperial ships zoomed past causing everything to flutter about before landing. What looked to be Imperial soldiers, were actually rebels in disguise and thankfully they were able to make their escape. As they helped him board the ship, he felt himself slipping from conciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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