At that moment, Li Wenhui knew that she could no longer stay in Su Family Organization.

After his flight schedule to Ning An City had been settled, Xie Limo personally chose some specialties and presents from Tian Jing City. Wearing his sunglasses, he carried a lot of shopping bags while boarding the plane.

There were a lot of passengers on the plane. Craning their necks, they all seemed curious about this gentleman who seemed to emit an aura of nobility, dazzling all bystanders. Even with the bags on his hands, which seemed out of place, he was still a sight to be seen.

Young Master Xie's thoughts were full of anticipation of seeing his wife. Completely ignoring the weird looks from his fellow passengers, he wondered what kind of expression she would make once she saw these presents.

Chapter 342 Thoughts For One Another

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing Young Master Xie's warm expression, Xie Liu lowered his head as he mused. Ever since he started following Young Master Xie, he had only seen his cool and indifferent self. This down-to-earth side of him had caught him off guard.

Is Young Master Xie unaware of his effect to others? His smiles are capable of charming people to death .

Still, his Young Master remained completely oblivious and continued to bask in his happy thoughts. Times had indeed changed. Young Master Xie had completely changed after knowing Young Madam.

Where is his cool and aloof composure—his demigod image?

Xie Limo remembered the previous time he bought a doll for his wife. His heart ached at seeing how touched and easily satisfied she was by the gifts. She had too many unpleasant memories. He vowed that he would help her forget about them, leaving only the happy ones for her to reminisce.

His lips tilted up into an elegant smile as he looked at the souvenirs and presents he bought. This was his first time shopping around to personally find a present she might like.

Because Xie Limo was reminded of his wife's cute expressions, he didn't feel tired at all. His heart was brimming with anticipation to see what kind of expression she would make when she saw him.

When Xie Limo snapped out of his reverie, he couldn't help a chuckle escaping from his lips— even he could have such complicated emotions.


After two days of staying at a wooden villa in Forest Green, Yun Bixue missed Xie Limo dearly. When it was late night and things had settled down, she would always pick up her phone to stare at Xie Limo's name, desperately wanting to call him.

For the past two months, she got used to hearing his voice before sleeping. Without it, she found it hard to sleep.

Whenever she couldn't fall asleep, she would just curl up in her blanket, thinking about the sweet and warm moments they shared since they first met. The more she thought of him, the more she missed him. He had done so much for her, and yet she had only done too little in return.

The wound in her heart was almost completely healed by him already.

Remembering their last conversation over the phone, a glimmer of hope sparked through Yun Bixue's heart. Could it be possible that by the time she reached home, Xie Limo would have already returned from Tian Jing City? She felt that it had been a very long time since she last saw her husband.

She wondered if he missed her as well?

While having such blissful thoughts, Yun Bixue fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, Yun Bixue cooked porridge for breakfast. After their meal, she said her farewells to Qin Huailing. "I'm going back to Ning An City now. Aren't you going back?"

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