Alexa: I heard this show is good!

Xander: Hell yea! I'd recommend it to anyone!

Alexa giggles at his enthusiasm and then asks.

Alexa: So what movie you want to watch?

Xander: Hmm, lemme pull up Disney+ and you get to choose.

Alexa: Wait, you have Disney+?

Xander: Um yeah?  I mean Marvel comes with it and I got tired of being cheap and bootlegging my stuff.

Xander then sits on the bed and grabs his laptop to sign in Disney+.  He then hands his laptop to the pretty lady beside him.

Xander: Here ya go, disclaimer, no Toy Story I've seen enough of it.

Alexa: *pouts* Awee c'mon you know you loved it, but don't worry there's a movie I had in mind!

Alexa then looks over the movie list and picks, much to the dismay of the man next to her, Toy Story 2.

Xander: Oh you gotta be shittin' me.

Alexa: *giggling* You said Toy Story, nothing about any of the other Toy Story movies!!

Xander: Alright, but next time I'm picking Monsters, Inc!

Alexa: Hey! I love that movie too!!

Xander could only smile at his childhood bestie and sat next to her to watch her movie of choice.

After the movie

Xander: I like Toy Story 2, but the third one was better.

Alexa: What about the fourth one? That got me crying.

Xander: To be honest three and four were really emotional.

Alexa: Hmmm, yeah you're right!

Xander looks at the time and it said 1:45am. He looked back at Lexi.

Xander: It's pretty late into the night. You're not tired yet?

Alexa: Hmm, getting rid of me already?

Xander: Nahhh, just saying, the goddess of WWE needs her sleep.

Alexa: Hmmmm, that's true but I'm too lazy to get up.

Xander: Want to talk about something?

Alexa: Hmmm sure...what's your favorite tv show growing up?

Xander: Easy! Drake and Josh, you?

Alexa: Really? Even Stevens was a good one for me.

Xander: That's a good one too.

Alexa: Remember that one time where you dived in the pool and busted your head open?

Xander: Ain't that the same day you sprained your wrist for slipping on the diving board?

Alexa: I hate that you remember that.

Xander: Ah, old times, old times.

Alexa: Hey! For old times sake, can I sleepover here with you?

To help convince Xander to agree with her, she gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes she could do.

Xander: You know I hate it when you do that.

To even make it worse for him she lays her head on his shoulder.

Xander: Goddammit! Alright you win! You can stay.

Alexa: Yessss! Sleepover!!!

Xander: To be honest with you, I didn't expect us to be this close again this quick jussi because of the time gap.

Alexa: I know that, but you're different than most of my friends. You're my first best friend and every friend I had, you were the measuring stick.

Xander: Thank you and you were also the benchmark for my friend meter as well.

Alexa: Ahhh, know I missed you sooo much.

Xander: I missed you too Lex.

The two friends hugged one another and stayed like that, until Alexa yawns.

Xander: Getting tired there?

Alexa: Uhmmmm.

Xander then shifts their bodies so they could lay down and brought the blankets up.
Lexi cuddles next to Xander and he puts an arm around her.

Alexa: Hmm, good night Xandiee.

Xander: Mhmm, good night Disney princess.

A/N: 14 years ago we lost a legend too soon #RIP EDDIE GUERRERO
#LieCheatSteal #VivaLaRaza! #LatinoHeat

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