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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀A woman and her daughter walked side by side down the dimly light street. The lamps luminated the high cheekbones on the older woman making them more prominent as a scowl spread across her face. She scowled, scrunching her nose as a potent foul smell became apparent. Pulling out her phone she sent a quick email to an unknown person and then continued to take powerful strides to the school.

The younger girl, her daughter, matched her quick pace taking long strides to keep up. Like her mother, she wore a pair of sleek black heals and had her long brown curls falling just above her waistline. She rolled her eyes as the foul smell made its presence known to her.

"Mother," The younger girl scowled, "The smell, it's back."

"Don't be dramatic, Calista, it's merely a smell. Probably some hooligans trying to take away from the lovely play."

Calista pursed her lips in annoyance. Wanting to push on her Mother to acknowledge the scent but knowing that would never happen. Not when her infamous twin's debut in the play was tonight.

Leave it to Harry to get casted the main role in every play as Calista stayed offstage. Harry was the spotlight twin, perusing drama and ruling the hallway. Calista, on the other hand, played the role as mean-girl cheerleader.

As the two took there sets in the front row the play started and Calista couldn't pay much attention to the play. Her attention kept dazing off as she thought about the class trip and all the ways Harry could make it hell.

After the play ended, Calista made her way over to the bleachers and waited for her brother alongside Kelly Aldrich, her brother's girlfriend. Harry and his two friends made their way over discussing a house party.

"Want me to bring anything?" One of Harry's stupid jock friends asked.

Harry shrugged, "Whatever you got."

It was typical Bingham thing to host a party every time their Mother was out of town. Which was a lot, considering she only stopped by to see her kids one-up others. She'd left to her office after the play was over without saying a goodbye.

Harry grinned, "bring some vodka tonight. It's brought your own booze. "his charming smile quickly turned into a scowl as Cassandra Pressman made her way up to them accompted by her younger sister Allie Pressman and Will LeClair.

"So nice of you to invite everyone." Cassandra mocked.

"Yeah," Calista rolled her eyes, "everyone important. Oh, shit did that not include you?"

"Would you even come," Harry smirked, "Cassandra?"

"Is that really the point, Harry?" Allie snapped back. Calista feel pity for Allie. She was always the bark behind Cassandra bite. Forever living in her shadows. How depression.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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