She is a belter

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After the game, the team (and Rachel) headed back to Glasgow and spent the night at Lee and Davy's. It was a Wednesday, so it wasn't going to be a particularly drunk evening, but Micaela didn't care, all she wanted to do was to forget about the way Rachel had looked at her when Lee wasn't looking, but Lee did notice. She noticed everything and she was going to use it as blackmail later.

Micky was sat on the sofa, looking out into the garden and Rachel was stood at the door, glass in hand, staring a hole into the back of her head.

"You know there's a miraculous thing in this world called communication. You could just go over and talk to her." Lee walked up next to Rachel, refilling her glass of wine. "Don't be a pun intended."

"You'd think you'd have gotten over that joke by now." Rachel rolled her eyes.

Lee turned her head to grin at her, and nudged her forward, "She looks awfy lonely over there."

"She looks...beautiful. An absolute belter." Rachel sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Wooooooah there, Romeo!...Or would you be Juliet?" Lee's mind began to wonder, but she managed to knock herself back into reality.

"You're not helping."

"You'll thank me later, now go talk to the lassie before she finishes that bottle of wine on her own! It'd be a sad, sad story."

"Wind your neck in, Lee." Rachel glared at her and breathed in finally, she walked over to Micaela and sat down next to her.

"You know you shouldn't meddle." 

Lee turned away from the two to find Leanne Ross standing with her arms folded. "You knew about this?"

"'Course I did, who do you think invited Rachel here?" 

"You sneaky bastard, Learo..." 

"We had to get them in the same place at some point. And you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"But it also makes you incredibly lonely." Lee sighed, turning back to face Rachel and Micaela.


"You know, leaving you was the worst decision I've ever made." Rachel admitted, finally looking straight at Micaela. 

She raised an eyebrow, looking at her suspiciously. "You didn't ever come back though, I think that's an over exaggeration on your part."

"I didn't come back because I knew you wouldn't want to see me." 

"How do you know what I wanted? You never asked me what I wanted. Not even once." 

"I asked you so many times, Micaela. You couldn't give me an answer."

"No, Rach, YOU didn't ask me what I wanted. You assumed I wanted the same thing as you." Micaela stood up and put her glass down on the table. "You know fine well I would've came with you if I could."

"Nobody was stopping you from coming, Mickey. You were just too scared."

"And you were too scared of commitment, so we're lucky I ended up deciding against coming to America with you. Saved us the extra heartbreak didn't I...Oh wait, I still caught you cheating."

Rachel was about to say something, but she thought better of it, because the middle of Lee and Davy's living room was the last place she wanted to have this conversation. When Micaela got up to leave, Rachel grabbed her hand and pulled her in towards her, so that their foreheads were barely touching. 

"I never stopped loving you, Mickey.." 

If Rachel didn't know any better, she would've thought that she saw the smallest hint of a smile form on Micaela's face, but that soon faded. She pulled away and breathed in, as though it was taking all her strength to do so and she picked up her glass again.

"Goodnight, Rachel." She smiled a little and finished the rest of her drink, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her. 

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