Chapter 2

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"I can't believe I was forced into having blonde hair."

"It's very sexy."

"Shut up, you pervy book."

"I like it." The kid said.

"Whatever. Our story is that we're brother and sister, do anything stupid and I'll kill you."

"How is that going to work? You're an old lady and I'm 17."

I slapped the back of his head again.

"I am 20 years old, thank you very much!"

The kid rubbed the back of his head as we walked into Erimoor. I found a cheap inn and tavern, and asked for a room with two beds. I glanced around the tavern as we waited to get tthe key. I would have to be wary of the people here, many of them were staring at us. The inn keeper came back soon and took us up to the room.

I dropped Book on the bed closest to the door. I released my spell, returning my hair back to white. I sat down and pulled my legs on to the bed as the kid sat down on the other.

"So, I guess we should get to know each other." I said.

"You go first." The kid said, looking at me with suspicion.

"May I? I am a magic book, of course. You can call me Book. My only purposes in life and magic and work for the beautiful lady next to me."

"Damn, pervy book." I mumbled. "Well, I'm White, or-"

"White? What kinda name is that?"

"Mine, so shut up and listen or I'll give you a beating. My name's White, or more widely known as the Grey Mage of the Black Angels."

"Wait, you're the Grey Mage!?"


"I always thought the Grey Mage was a guy. I wanted to become like him."

"Sorry, I'm not. Since you already seem to know about me, I don't need to explain myself much more."

"Unless you want the boy to who you actually are."

"My name's Eren. I ran away from home because I hate my family. I was on my way to find the School of Magic. I wanted to become a mage, like the Grey Mage."

"I see."

"So, you don't travel with a lot, do you?"

"Of course not. Book holds it all for me. I'm a mage, stupid, we use what we have."

"Don't call me stupid."

"Then don't ask stupid questions."

"So, do you have a septer or staff?"

"Would you like your staff?"


Book flipped open and started to glow. A metal septer rose out of his pages and I grabbed it. It was followed by my wooden staff. I twirled them in my hands. Eren stared at them with wide eyes. The top had grown freely, making it look like tree branches. A sphere of different colored jewels sat in the middle, wrapped in branches to keep it in place.

"What's your staff made of?"

"Enchanted rosewood, a nature gem and a core of aether. There's dragon, unicorn, trent, and....what else book?"

"The question is, what isn't in your staff."

"I guess your right there."


The White Mageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें