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"I scream For everything that has gone wrong. I scream for everything broken in our lives."

- Marie Lu


Ansh was standing onto the window, and gazing the gloomy moon. He was seemed to be lost in deep thought and his glossy eyes were locked at moon.

' I never intended to do this to you, To US! But, I did! I understand why things had to happen this way. I'm your culprit Sarah! It was not your fault. It's only me, who shattered it off our relationship into million little pieces which is broken beyond repair. Once I had dreamed to lead my whole life with you. But, that opportunity also, I kicked it off! And, when I heard that you had move on and finally, giving your life a chance. I don't know what crinkled deep inside my heart. A throbbing pain reside in my chest , which I can't describe. Now, I can understand how much hurt and painful for you, when I left you alone.

If I say that I am happy that you had moved on, that's not true. Nope! Because I am not. How can I be?! I loved you always Sarah. I missed you, honey! I misses your echoed laughter, when I cracked up some lame jokes. I misses that beautiful smile on your face, which lit up when you see me. I misses to be in your loving arms, in which I forget all my worries. I misses all those sweet kisses which we cherish together. I misses each and every damn thing about you, Sarah!

Our son must be grown up now! How he looks? Did he is talkative and chirpy like you? Did he have beautiful eyes same like you? Did he ever asked about me...? Did he knew I am his Dad? Did he...?

See how unfortunate father I am, that I hadn't seen my child, yet?!

Tomorrow you're coming back after seven years. And, I am not brave enough to asked for a chance to be together again! You're slipping away from my fingers like a sand and I can't do anything to hold onto you. Because I am the only reason behind all the mayhem in our lives. It was me only who destroyed everything between us! And bearing the punishment for hurting you. '

"Broken does not mean non-functioning, or incapacitated, it does however mean ready for repair."


Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. Something special awaits you each day.

All you need is to recognize it and make the most of it! The sun is shining out and spreading it's warmth. Swara and Sanskaar were sitting in airport lounge, waiting for Sarah's flight and Vedh who had stubbornly tagged along with his parents to receive his aunt, was sighing and looking here and there, being bored.

Vedh : Mom I am getting bored!

Swara, who was reading a fashion magazine , looked at her son and replied, nonchalantly.

Swara : Who said you to come along with us?!

Vedh : But, Mom I want to meet Masi first, and Samar also!

Swara gave him a glare, which lead Vedh to sealed his lips and he make a cute pout and looked at his father, for rescue. To which Sanskaar shrugged and again get busy reading the mails on his phone.

Vedh : Dad?!

Sanskaar hummed , while reading the mail and replied to his son.

Sanskaar : Wait a minute Champ! (he kept his phone aside, and looked at his son, who was scowling ) Kya kua beta?! Why are you so sad?!

SwaSan TS: A JOURNEY FROM STRANGERS TO SOUL MATES ✔️Where stories live. Discover now