"Hello." Malfoy greeted curtly with a nod of his head, in a very very  tired voice. He gestured for them to follow him, and so they did, Harry knew that Ron was just as curious as he was. Malfoy walked over to the boys dorm and stopped in front of a door with an unsual marking on it, a red tie, not the gryffindor one, but a rather ruby red color, now that Harry looked around he saw that there were various ties on every door, and only a few of them were Slytherin green as one woud expect, rather they were a mixture of a light red, bordering on light pink, and light green. However, very few were the ruby red color of this tie. 

Malfoy knocked thrice on the door, and opened it, the site that greeted them was something that Harry and Ron never could've imagined. There were two boys, whom couldn't be older than 12 huddled in the corners of the room, their knees pulled up to their chest and their heads hidden in their knees, their arms hugging their knees. 

One boy who looked to be a little older, perhaps 14, who had a large gash on his left forearm, that vaguely looked like a skull, no doubt that would scar, the boy however did not look to bothered by it, he didn't look like much of anything really, a blank look was on his face, staring into the wall. 

Malfoy slowly and sadly shaked his head and pulled a vial out of his robes, a pinkish potion with a faint glow, he made his way over to the older boy and handed him a vial. The boy looked like he knew what to do and he chugged the potion, and closed his eyes. 

Malfoy pulled out his wand and tapped the boys wounded skin, and sickeningly, the wounded skin peeled off, the boy looked like he was trying hard not to cry out, and after 5 whole minutes of the sight, Malfoy stopped and pulled out another potion that was more greenish in color and applied it to the now bleeding forearm. He then pointed his wand at the skin.

"Muasperione" He cried, and the arm was immediately enveloped in bandages. It didn't take for the bandage to be enveloped in blood however, and the boy fainted. 


   Ron stared at Malfoy in horror, how...how did that boy get so badly injured. When did Malfoy learn that spell, they never learned that spell. He expected there to be something like a junior death eater meeting or something, but not this, oh god the blood on the boys bandage, maybe he was wro- No. This was probably junor death eaters who got hurt on one of their missions, but...but those boys in the corner can't be older than bloody 12 for merlins sake.

"Mate.." Ron breathed, Harry stared at him in surprise, he was surprised himself, he would never call Malfoy 'Mate' it just seemed appropriate at the moment. 

Malfoy didn't even look up as he walked over to the boys in the corner and started treating them with what looked like a non-verbal spell. He just hummed showing that he did indeed hear 'Blaise'. Ron was too curious, he needed to know what this was, was it indeed a junior death eater mission gone wrong, or something else.

"What happened to them?" He sweeped a hand over the room. 

This time Malfoy did indeed look up, he stared at 'Blaise' and 'Theodore' for a bit, he looked sad, so, so, sad. "Right, you don't know about this batch." He sighed, and quickly put the other boys to sleep, and then got up, looking at 'Blaise' and 'Theodore',  he glanced at the boys, and if possible, he looked sadder.

"They went farther this time." So it was the death eaters.

"Those absolute Gryffindor bastards." He spat, and Ron's thoughts screeched to a halt. Did he just say Gryffindors? There was no way that Gryffindors could do this, they were the most noble house! He had to be lying. He just had  to. Ron looked over at Harry and saw that he was just as surprised as Harry was. Malfoy however misunderstood their surprise.

"I know, they got creative, tried to carve the dark mark into poor Oca's arms. Pansy stopped them, but they quite far. He's neutral as you know, and these two young ones, well, you know the new ones don't deal well with bullies, and the abuse at their houses got worse over the summer, all because they got sorted into Slytherin." Malfoy spoke. Ron's jaw dropped, no, no, that couldn't have happened, but the proof was right in his face.

Gryffindors did this.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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