chapter 2 there's no such thing as a whiz!

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Am I a wizard oh no this shouldn't be happening. Becoming a wizard I don't know about that wizards there's no such thing as wizards they don't exist or just fantasy. Letters that says no such thing as a megalodon sharks that are extinct I think about it. My my breath smell so horrible it's so so horrible I can smell it from right here. I think it's magic coming out of my mouth. I just cannot be a wizard! I shouted. Whats  wrong? Said flutter flutter dash dash. Nothing! I said. Freddy awakens coming. I said. Not at all awesome. flutter flutter dash dash. Flutter flutter dash dash hugged me. 6 - - you're the best! I said to her. Birthday girl. I was trying to ignore her come by did she try to capture flutter flutter dash dash. It was Tnda! Could you kidnap flutter flutter dash dash! I said I don't kidnap flutter flutter dash dash to get you the information for the week. How dare you! Said Tnda. The crimes of violence I never heard of it sneezes. Gross! said Tnda.

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