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I cried my eyes out, I didn't know why but I just felt as I had to let it all out. He wasn't there by my side, he was gone. I missed him, so dearly. If I had just begged them to take me with them, maybe I could still be with him today. I wanted to feel his warmth, to see his smile, but I couldn't, because that was what happened when the adults came to take him. I feel bad for feeling so selfish, but he was smiling...something he rarely ever did in this building we were suppose to call home.  

"I'm so sorry, onii-san."


I stopped at the entrance, looking beyond the gates of Yumenosaki Private Academy. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), 16 years old and now officially a student at Yumenosaki Private Academy. I didn't know what to expect in all honesty. I was expecting classes to be anything but boring, or maybe really festive, this was not your average private academy for sure. 

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