Never Forgotten

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[Written after Episode 3, so spoilers I guess?]

I forgot to post, goddamit

My final version of Oliver's ending is coming next, basically a 'how it should have ended'

Mia's knees hit the ground, an echo of her cries bounced off everything it reached, Barry held her back from crawling towards the anti-monitor and her dying father.

"Daaaaaaad!" Mia's began thrashing in Barry's arms.

"No one will ever know who you are, you are nothing" The Anti-monitor smirked, "Your friends, They will be historic, you are the gum under their shoes"

"You're wrong!" Kara exclaimed, the cement under her feet cracking. "He'll go down in history, even if it costs me my life!"

She took a stance and began racing to him, picking him up and flying away with him. As soon as they were far away, Barry let go of Mia and she began running to her father.

"Dad" She sobbed, bringing him up in her arms and legs. "Daddy, please"

"M-Mia" Oliver took her hand, "My strong Mia"

"Stay with me, come on" Mia began holding his wound. "I can't, I can't lose you twice"

"You'll be fine, Mia" Oliver smiled. "You're the Green Arrow, you'll be fine"

"Don't worry, Oliver" Barry promised, "We've got her"

"I love you Mia" Oliver whispered. "Go"

Barry rushed and picked up Mia before flashing out of the courtyard they finished fighting in. They got a few blocks away and stopped, Mia jumping down from his arms and attacking him in rage. "You didn't let me say goodbye!"

In the distance, Kara and Clark were finishing their fight with the anti-monitor. Throwing him into the same courtyard Oliver just died in. "Now!" Kat's exclaimed.

Winn, Brainy, Cisco, and Felicity hit their buttons and a portal began to open, sucking in everything surrounding the courtyard and soon the entire world was sucked into it.

It was a tunnel of white and suddenly everything was back. 52 earths, clashed together, most dead and lots alive.

"That was it?" Sara asked.

"Yep" Cisco said.

Mia hit the ground crying again. "I couldn't do it... I couldn't save him" Barry kneeled beside her, holding her.

"Don't worry, Mia" He whispered, "He died for you, he died to protect you, now you live for him, you live to honour him" Mia started sobbing into his arms. "I couldn't save my Nora either, or my parents... but we have to live for them"

"We live so they didn't die for nothing" Sara announced.

"Caitlin?" Dig asked. Caitlin took over Iris' comms.

"Oliver Queen, time of death 2:50 am January 2nd 2020" Caitlin sighed. "Survived by his wife Felicity Queen, his two children William and Mia, his sister Thea and his friends, the League of Superheroes"


The League of Superheroes united the day of Oliver Queens death, a group of extraordinary people who would do extraordinary work. The Flash and Supergirl would stop meteors, the Legends and Batwoman would defeat literal death, Black Lightning and Superman would shatter the barriers between Earth and dozens of other planets.

The League would carry on for 50 generations, 24,000 members, 72 planets, dozens of timelines, and one singular name, Oliver.

Oliver Queen to Oliver Diggle to Oliver Dayton to Oliver Fitz to Oliver Sakip to Oliver Queen again.

Oliver Queen was the 50x great grandson of the original Oliver Queen, years of his family keeping the Queen name even when it should have died out countless times. It had been almost 10000 years to the day Oliver Queen died.

Oliver Queen IV stood at the statue of his ancestor in what use to be Star City, US and was now the remains of League Temple. Time had done its damage.

"Earth is considered one of the safest planets in the universe" Oliver stated. "It is full of harmony and discipline, everyone is safe, well not everyone... there galaxies out there that haven't had the opportunity to be saved by anyone and I think it's finally time that happens... I'm off to save them, it'll be the first time the Queen Family has actually left the Milky-way since your death, but it has to happen... I've got to do something"

It had to be the wind but Oliver swore he heard a faint 'I know'. With what seemed like a blessing he joined his friends near the Waverider 7.0 and boarded, never returning to earth again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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