yeetus le fetus

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A/N. Hey! The video at the top is the song that Katsuki is listening to during this chapter.

Third person POV

  Katsuki had his earbuds in while sitting on his bed and doing "homework." Katsuki was homeschooled but Rafu, his foster father, insisted that he still had to do homework. Because of the fact that he is homeschooled (and Rafu doesn't really care about him) Katsuki really doesn't have any friends. Rafu doesnt ever let Katsuki go out unless it's to run arends or to hang out at the park across the street from their house.

  The only people Katsuki would even consider aquentences would be the few people he'd met out on the streets. There was one boy who worked at the local gas station and had spikey red hair (obviously dyed). There were also these two boys who he always ran into on their way to the local gamestop one with bright yellow hair and one with long, straight, black hair. Then there was an alien looking girl with pink hair and pink skin who always seemed to be headed to the mall. One thing Katsuki did find weird was the fact that they all had the same tattoos on their wrists and none of them seemed to like to talk about their personal lives.

There was one person that Katsuki considered a friend though. Before his biological parents died (poor Mitsuki😫) was his childhood best friend, Izuku Midoriya. The little green haired boy always made time for Katsuki when they still went to school. After Katsuki's parents died he had to go back to his house to pack his stuff.


Katsuki roamed the halls of the only home he had ever known saying knowing that he would never see any of it ever again yet still trying to memorize every little detail as though it would reverse time and put everything back to normal. He eventually reached his bedroom and broke down. Reality cane crashing down onto him when he saw all of the things he would have to leave behind. He packed some clothes and some of his things that were valuable to him.

  He walked out side into the pouring rain and saw a familiar mop of green hair. This is when he really started crying. He would have to leave behind his favorite person in the entire universe. He ran up to Izuku and wrapped him in his arms. They clung onto eachother refusing to let go. Inko was behind them and she was crying her eyes out. Katsuki felt a tug on his shirt and saw the social worker ushering him away. Katsuku realized what was happening and grabbed izuku's hand and began running. With every step his feet pushed against the wet pavement splashing in puddles and he became more and more panicked. He felt arms rap around him and start dragging him backwards. He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't lose Izuku. They were supposed to be best friends forever (a/n or maybe more 😂). Kastuki kicked as hard as he could reaching toward Izuku like he was his life line. Izuku was reaching toward Katsuki aswell but failing to escape Inko's grasp. Tears were streaming down both if their faces as they watched their entire worlds being ripped from them. They were screaming for eachother but no one would listen. The child's happiness doesnt matter in situations like these the only thing that matters to adults are the law and money, this is what Izuku came to realize in that moment. All that katsuku wanted was Izuku. Izuku was someone who he thought he still had, someone who hadn't left him like everyone else did, but most importantly Izuku was a shimmer of hope, a light through the darkness. Katsuki hated everyone who ripped that away from him on that fateful night.

****end of flashback***

  Katsuku quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Rafu screaming his name angrily from the living room. Katsuki ran out of his room to see what was happening when he saw a letter ripped open in Rafu's hands. Five fateful words came out of Rafu's mouth that signaled the beginning of a journey that would change Katsuki's life forever.

"Get out of my house"

(717 words)

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