No title yett Still thinking...

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Bomp! Bomp! Bomp! I wake up, gasping for air as sweat trickles down my forehead. My eyes inflated to the size of balloons as I look around my room as if im in search for something important. My room looks as if a tornado had passed over just before I opened my eyes. Scanning the area like an eagle searching for small prey in the fields, Realistically forgetting about the provoking sound in my ears. My hand swats my alarm clock like the a mosquito on a humid Texas day, I sit there for a moment trying to gather my thoughts. Starring out the window to the sight of trees and nature was always relaxing to me. While in a peaceful moment of brief reality my door opens swift as I jump! With the pure terror running through my entire body to the sight of my mother Yelling “Get down to the kitchen before your Breakfast gets cold boy!” With no hesitation I get off my bed and I make my way down to to the kitchen to eat with my mom and dad, without saying a word I begin to eat my eggs and bacon leaving my toast unconsumed while taking slow sips of my orange juice. “You okay there son?” says my father. “Yeahh I think so.. Dad can I ask you a question?” By the stress of my voice my father knew something was wrong. “Yes Mathew what is it??” Says my father with a very observing look on his face. “Do you believe in Aliens?” He looked puzzled for a moment before answering.“Well Son, From what I know about the universe It is very big and there’s a lot of space up there but to answer your question no I just don't believe.. It's not in the bible and everything we need to know is in the bible, That's what your grandpa used to say why the curiosity?” I thought to myself for a moment as to if I should even bring it to my fathers attention, he's not the easiest guy to talk to in the world but I reply “It's just I had a real crazy dream last night dad! I was sleeping and I woke up to strange noises like some sort of machines but nothing around me, the room became colorful and I couldn't see! I started feeling myself lift above the bed. I didn't know what was going on.. before I realized it I went right through the roof and into what looked like a spaceship! No lie and there were these astonishing looking people, Taller than anyone I have ever seen they had no hair with silver light skin, black deep eyes they were beautiful dad. But it was strange and I was scared to death..And than” My father cuts me off with the most Anxious look on his face “Son tell me again what they looked like?” I made a face like I was answering a calculus problem “Well, They were tall, skinny, no hair, grey skin and big black eyes and they talked real silly like a mixture between every language I've ever heard, crazy dream right? This is actually the 4th time it's happened this week” My father and mother now making a face as if a ghost just walked into the room and replies “I see you have a very big imagination and that will take you far in life son, Just forget about it! Just a dream. ”My father smiling like I couldn't see right through him, My mom shatters the awkward silence and says “Okay than son I'ma start the dishes why don't you go get cleaned up” I get up and leave the kitchen and head back up to my room I just couldn't shake the feeling like it wasn't a dream it felt so real. Ignoring my sub conscious, I took I few steps up the stairs before I heard “Babe do you think it's happening again? what do we do?!” My ears had become drawn to the conversation like fly's to garbage. “No This Can't be happening again Just drop it baby! He might hear you” I gasp, My eyes big and my body frozen for a moment I didn't know what to do as I bolt up the stairs entering my room and shut my door not believing what I just heard. There was something my parents weren’t telling and I was gonna get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing that I do.

Isit on my bed just thinking about the past few nights I became more concerned As time went on. “Could aliens really be real? Nah!”Trying to convince myself I was just delusional. “What was up with my parents?” The questions stirring about in my soupy mind of thoughts. Trying to ignore it I take off my shirt and headed to the bathroom to shower I noticed something strange on my skin, Directly over my heart was what looked like a long hand printI just stood there speechless looking in the mirror like I was a statue. Goosebumps fill my skin while looking at what was on my body I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran out of my bathroom bursting with tears running down my face as I run down the stairs missing a step and tumbling down not feeling a thing.At the top of my lungs I scream “Mom! Dad?!” There were not in sight, I sprint to there room room wiping the tears out of my face they weren't there either. All I saw was my moms gold chain broken on the floor. My heart was soaked in gasoline and lit on fire the feeling was indescribable. My mind went thru the bizarre possibilities and I couldn't cope, Within an instance I began to here the sounds from my dreams coming from out my bedroom, Followed by loud thumps slowly coming down the stairs. Vibrations ran through my spinal, In one swift motion I dive under the bed as the sound got thicker every passing second. Suddenly It stops, Followed by a slow beeping noise no longer coming from the stairs but now from the room where I was. A green light also followed the beeping noise from out the shadows under the bed.It was coming from inside of my body. I felt my chest, there was something there I round shaped object under my skin but no signs to how it got there. I lift my head and I see skinny Grey legs standing right in front of the bed. I hold my chest as tight as possible trying to seduce the light and the noise. A long grey hand reaches down and slowly and gracefully picks up the gold necklace rightbefore the entire bed levitates to the ceiling leaving me exposed. They were all around me looking at me and I was defenseless. The beeping now stopped and there was complete silence as I observe the 5 large beings in the room. “What did you do with my parents?!! Where are they?!!” Silence in the room, No noise, No movement is made before a being with grey skin but golden eyes I have not yet seen enters the room approaches me and reaches out his hand. My face is soaked with tears once again as his arm stays elevated out waiting on my move. I get to my feet slowly and do a full 360 turning back to the golden eyed one. His arm has not yet moved as I slowly reach my hand out to touch his but very hesitant. My hand is inches away from his as I pear closer. Our hands finally meet and I feel the entire room vibrate as If this was all an illusion the ceiling crumbles and vanishes the golden eye one disappears and slowly I watch my hand, arm and body disappear with him I close my eyes not knowing what is to come of this. When My eyes open I'm under water with tubes in my nose and mouth and completely submerged yet I can breath in what looks like an egg shaped tube. There are beings all around me doing different things using technology I have never yet seen before. I pound on the glass repeatedly without disturbing anyone in the room, A slender looking being walks into the room this was clearly a female. While walking the beings notice her present she's clearly important. She walks directly up to the glass and just stares at me her eyes were purple. staring at her was like looking up at the stars at night, She takes a hand and places it firmly on the glass still holding firm eye contact before turning and speaking out loud. No idea what she said but I'm guessing it had to do with me. After speaking she walks away right before a latch under me opens and all the water collapses sending me down tubes like a roller coaster.”Ahhhh! Whaaa! Help me!” I must have went down 20 stories before hitting a jelly like bed that soaked me and not allowing me to get off. I wiggle and struggle getting gassed with no way off. I lay there and the purple eyed slim being walks up and just stares. “What do you want with me? Are you gonna eat my brains out?! Where are my parents did you kill them!” She says. “Those aren’t your parents because I am your mother, My name is Veener And We are” I Cut her off and yell “What!? Wait what are you talking about!? Your an alien! and I'm a Human I was just with my parents Youre Lying!” She smiles “You were sent to earth 12 years ago just to study them there are many like you son come with me I need to show you something.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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