Found a Friend in You

Start from the beginning

"Well aren't you a little excited today?" Himeko smiled, patting her gently on the head

"Yeah... my friends are coming to have a sleepover today"

"That's nice! It's been a while since I've been at a sleepover" Himeko laughed

Entering the house, she greeted the family and straight away began discussing Kanae's future at the hair salon. Unable to listen in, Kanae sat at the doorstep until discussions were finished. Just then, Pabi flew onto her shoulder and sighed happily.

"I can feel your joyful energy from way over there" he chirped

"Really?" Kanae grinned "I guess I am really giddy"

"I can sense the other pixhites! The Pretty Cure's are on their way!" Pabi sung happily

"Oh great!" Kanae cheered

As she uttered those words, four figures walked through the gate before sprinting over to Kanae who smiled cheerfully.

"Now this is nice!" Itose grinned "planning on adopting anyone into this family by any chance? Because I sure could use a new family"

"I doubt you'd wanna join mine" Kanae giggled "oh, my parents are inside with Himeko so we may want to enter through the back to get to my room"

"Sure" they nodded as they walked to the back of the house.

Coming in from the kitchen, the five girls ran up the stairs before getting lost amongst the many doors in the hallway. Amused by their confusion, Kanae led them to the end of the hall where her room was. Upon entering, Itose's jaw dropped as she took in the size of the room.

"This place is huge! It's the size of my living room dude!"

"Hehe..." Kanae scratched her head in embarrassment

The room was already filled with beds on the floors, decorated with soft pillows and blankets. On the table, there were some snacks in a cute little basket and a couple of drinks.

"OH HOW CUTE!" Itose exclaimed before jumping onto the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor.

"Wow, wreck the place already why don't ya" Ryoka laughed but was dragged down by Itose who smothered her in the pillows "ACK!"

"Well, those two are making a mess" Aone sighed

"It's alright" Kanae grinned

Popping out of Itose's bag, he looked around the room before standing next to the snack pile. Scanning the room, he agreed that it was a big room indeed. There was a huge window next to the desk, decorated with a light yellow curtain and even a window seat. The bed had a canopy above it, also decorated with cute fairy lights. By the bed was a small table with a lamp. The floor was carpeted and the walls were pure white and not a single dirty stain. In the corner of the room, there was a small vanity with mirrors that lit up. All of Kanae's skin care were placed carefully on it. In a small box beside it were all of her hair supplies such as hair dryers, curlers, hair straighteners, ribbons, hair ties, clips and other accessories.

"Now where on earth is your closet?" Itose piped all of a sudden

"Oh" Kanae walked towards the mysterious door "here"

As she opened it up, everybody in the room towards it and found a tiny room full of clothes and shoes.


"It's a small one... my sisters ones are much bigger"

"Everybody has one!?"

"Um... yes?"

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