Act 1

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Tonight was the night. Walking three feet behind her, Jeremy's plan was coming together. He was finally going to talk to Rosemary. There would be a better chance getting to have a conversation at the small, warm, cozy coffee shop than at school. Jeremy is madly in love with Rosemary Hoover. They have several classes together, but she never noticed him. He still admired everything about her. Jeremy liked that she enjoyed poetry and deranged books and shows. He daydreamed about her round, dark, almond eyes. He thought it was so cute when she covered her mouth whenever she smiled or laughed. Jeremy loathe everyday that he passed up talking to her. But tonight was the night.
Jeremy started to panic when he lost her in the cloud of people on the side walk. Then he sighed in relief when he spotted her shoulder length, bleach blonde hair. Rosemary was at the door. He hurried as she reached for it. Their hands bumped into each other. Rosemary jerked her hand back and blushed at the awkward encounter. The touch made Jeremy's heart flutter with zeal and hand tingle.
"Oh. I'm-I'm sorry. I-I didn't see you. I was rushing." Jeremy stuttered but acted out the part.
"It's fine. I'd rush to get out of the crowd too." Rosemary said.
Rosemary looked at him for a second. She sworn she seen him before. His awkwardness was familiar. She started to recognize his thick auburn hair, light eyes, round face, and crooked smile. Then she saw his red and black striped sweater. 'Of course,' she thought to herself, 'he's that creepy kid in a few of my classes.' He opened the door and they both went in. Rosemary started to feel bad. He seems like a nice guy. She didn't want to he rude and just walk away, so she thought she'd talk to him.
"You're Jeremy, right?" Rosemary asked breaking the silence. "Jeremy McCowan?"
Surprise went through Jeremy and he flashed his half smile. He was shocked that she knew who he was. It made him want to jump up and down in joy. But he rubbed his palms on his side and calmed himself. He got tense and just nodded since the words were stuck on the tip of his tongue.
"You're Rosemary right?" He finally made out inarticulately.
They ordered coffees and sat down together. Jeremy pulled out the chair for her and pushed it back in once she sat down. He made sure that they sat back by the book shelve just in case there was an awkward silence he could talk about a book. The yellow light lanterns made Jeremy feel comfortable. 'No one will ruin my script' He thought to himself. Luckily there was no silence. They talked for a few hours about odd shows and books. They went through random topics and coffees but then it started to get late.
"Well it's time for me to get going and hit the hay." Rosemary yawned.

She stood up and threw her bag, which looked like it was filled with notebooks, over her shoulder. Jeremy huffed and gripped the sides of the chair he was sitting in. He was enjoying this so much, he didn't want this to end. His knuckles turned white from holding onto the chair. Jeremy stood up and walked with her to the door. Cold air creeped in once she opened it. Rosemary gave him a quick friendly hug and left, making her way down the sidewalk. The hug made Jeremy's anger subside. It felt like his crooked smile went up to his ear. He ran out the door into the cold with happiness.

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