
        Amy was setting up everyting, at all four locations, for the scavenger hunt.

        Karma's mom would make up an excuse to take Karma to school, where her mom would give her a slip of paper that contained a clue. The clue would lead her to search the school for the next clue. After that, she'd have to head to the movie theater, where she'd have to sit through a short film if she wanted to get the next clue from Shane.

        After giving Karma the clue, Shane was to go get ome shampagne.

        Lauren would be waiting at Amy's house so she could lead Karma into Amy's room and then she'd leave to go help Shane out.

        Of course, Amy would be at the last location, the meadow.


Karma's POV:

        I was heading downstairs, empty tray in hand.

        My parents stood in the middle of the living room, big grins on their faces.

        "Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

        "Oh, honey, no," my mother answered.

        "Your mom and I were just wondering how you liked the surprise on your tray," her father said.

        I laughed. "I loved it and tried calling Amy to thank her, but she didn't answer. I guess she's already at her mom's job."

        "Awe, I'm sorry sweetheart," my dad said.

        "It's fine. I'm seeing her tonight anyways."

        They told me that since I'd be with Amy tonight, they wanted to give me my presents right now. I agreed and so that's what we did. I was in the middle of opening my gift from my mother when she spoke up.

        "Oh, Karma, before I forget. Your school called earlier and appearantely you need to go there for something."

        "Huh? It's like 10 in the morning, why would they need me to go there. I don't recall having Saturday detention or anything," I stuttered.

        "They said something about having found something in your locker."

        What the heck? All I had in there were my book.

        "So what am I supposed to do?"

        "Get your stuff because I'm taking you there right now," she sternly said.

        If she was using her stern voice that meant I was in trouble. Shit!


        Once we got to the school, I saw that there were no cars parked anywhere and so I turn to my mom.

        "There's no one here."

        She smiled, "I know. Here," she handed me a slip of paper, "take this. Get out of my truck and read it."

        I did as I was told and she drove off at an instant.

        I read the paper:

        You're probably wondering why your mom just ditched you at school... Well, that was my doing. As part of your birthday gift, I have arranged a scavenger hunt for you my love. Your first clue is....

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