Chapter 2

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*this chapter happened three days before the first one*

"Well? Are you coming or not? "

Hanabi looked at Fanny's outstretched hand, thinking if this is what she wants.

She knows that she might never be able to come back if she went with Fanny.

But, she knows this is what she needs.

"Yes, I'm coming with you to the Moniyan Empire"

She took Fanny's hand and shaked it.

Fanny then lost all her composure and started squeling like a schoolgirl.

"Omg, don't worry. I won't let you look like an outsider there. I'll show you to my friends then we can have so much fun. There's a mall there where we csn shop then we can- "

"Hahaha, alright alright. You should stop speaking now Fanny. I'm pretty sure you need to breathe. "

Fanny then looked at her sheepishly.

"Sorry, I guess I got so excited"

"It's ok"

"Ok then. We need to move now so we can get there by night-time "

"Ok, you're the expert"



"What does she have that I don't? "

Hanabi muttered to herself while watching Kagura and Hayabusa from afar in a tree.

"Am I too ugly? Or maybe I'm too weak"

Hanabi then sat down frowning. Her eyes then started tearing up.

"Am I not good enough!? "

She suddenly shouted.

"Ahh! What was that? "

Hanabi then panicked, thinking they might see her, forgetting that she was too far away.

She then stood up with the intent to hide. But she wasn't careful in standing up.

And so she slipped and fell from the tree.

She closed her eyes, waiting for her to hit the ground.

'I guess this is it. I, Hanabi, rival of Hayabusa, is going to die from falling from a tree'


Hanabi suddenly felt someone catching her.

"What the- "

"Miss, are you ok? "

Hanabi looked at her savior and saw a woman with orange hair and yellow green eyes. (Sorry, I, the author, is a little colorblind)

"Ye-yes, I'm ok. You ca- what the hell!?

The woman just laughed at her reaction.

"Why are you laughing?! We're still in the sky and I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure that we will fall"

"Just trust me"

"Wait, I know you. You're Fanny, the only human that can fly. Or atleast, the closest to it"

"Then you know that you can trust me"


*time skip*

"So you were jealous at her? Don't worry, I'm sure that you're prettier than her"

"Thank you, but I'm not prettier than her. But I wish I am "

"If that Haya man can't see that you like him, then he as hell doesnt deserve you. Cheer up, there's still plenty of fish in the sea"

"Hahaha, I guess you're right. But it's not that easy to forget someone that you loved"

Hanabi then sighed and put her head in her arms.

"You're strong"

"Huh? Where did that came from? "

Fanny didn't answered her first for she was chewing her food.

"Ahh, that was good. You soo can cook, Hanabi"

"I know"

"Anyway, I know you're strong. I can feel it"

"Ok, and thank you "

"And that's why I'm asking you to join the Moniyan Empire and fight alongside me"

".......what? "

"Oh sorry. What I mean is, the Moniyan Empire could use someone like you in their ranks"

"But I can't leave my home"

"Yes you can. From what you told me, you have nothing left here. Your grandpa is dead. The one you like doesn't like you. "

"I, I"

"See? From your face, I can see that you realized what I'm saying"

Fanny stood up from her position and stretched her hand to Hanabi.

"Well? Are you coming or not? "

*present time*

Hanabi looked at the train's window.

'I hope that I don't regret this choice someday'

"Hanabi, you should try this food that I bought. It's tasty"

"Hahaha, ok"

'Well, even if this doesn't turn out the way I expect it to, I know that Fanny will be there for me'

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