"Sooooooo pretty!~~~"

She looked at the bald boy and smiled in appreciation, her eyes closed and her head tilted.


Tanaka only fawned more and turned a deeper shade of red. He was overly infatuated with this girl and he had only just met her. He would soon have to report to his good friend Nishinoya about her, who would surely think just as highly of her- it was a given.

"Oh, you're already in, Kawamoto-san. Shimizu-san already notified us about it. We're really happy we can have you offer yourself like that," the team captain told her, smiling in gratefulness.

It really was something to be thankful about. They needed a dietitian more than anything else and the fact that she could also work as a nurse for minor injuries on court was just the cherry on top.

"So, I'll come here everyday after school ends, unless you guys need me in the morning. We can talk more about diet plans and regimens later and when you guys get practicing more. I do need some time to observe and plan, if that's okay," Shiori told her captain, causing him to widen his eyes in shock and then nod.

"Sure Kawamoto-san, whatever works best for you. We do have a practice match on Saturday morning though, so it would be ideal if you could attend."

Kawamoto nodded her head and gave him a thumbs up. Now she really was excited. The truth was she really had no experience whatsoever as a dietitian, she simply only took a summer course and got certified to do it. All she knew was how to heal, cook, train, and play volleyball. She only had to combine all of those things and she could only hope that it would be enough.

The girl turned and sat on one of the free benches near the court and pulled out a notebook and pen and then a binder. Before she could get to work, she felt a presence beside her causing her to look to the side and see one of her upperclassmen.

"What can I help you with... senpai?" She asked, not knowing his name. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and looked at him intently. He gave her a grin and pointed to himself.

"I'm Tanaka Ryuunosuke! But you can call me Tanaka-senpai!"

She nodded and he then pointed at the binder that was sitting on her lap.

"What's that?!"

She opened it to reveal a page with a picture of Sawamura, Daichi along with his information on the side.

"They're my own records! I have one on each of the players on the team minus any new ones that I don't know of. They have information on each player, but the most important part of these are the health records. This will help me keep track of any allergies or maybe special treatment that might be needed or medicine," the teenage girl explained.

Tanaka's eyes filled with wonder and he shot up from the bench to shout into the air,


"Isn't it!??!?!"

From a distance, Daichi and Suga watched in amusement. They didn't know too much about the girl, but they knew that she would soon grow popular around the team. Only Suga noticed there something was off about her. No, not off, maybe familiar? He didn't know too many people though and he certainly did not recognize her from anywhere.

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