Chapter 2-Destroyed In Seconds

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Tenko laid on the cold wood ground for what felt like hours, until he felt like he could at least crawl to the couch. Once Tenko got on the couch he looked at the TV that hung above a coffee table. He sat there just looking at the black screen, spacing out into random thoughts until he heard that familiar car door shutting.Father, he thought to himself. Tenko began to internally panic, hearing the front door beginning unlock.
"Tenko I'm home!" A familiar soft voice echoed through the house, Tenko's eyes lit up at the sound of his mothers voice.
"Hi mum!" Tenko said, excited and reliefed, rushing off the couch to hug his mother.
"I missed you, honey." His mother said, hugging him tightly.
"Ow." Tenko said, the pain of his injuries kicking in again, his mum pulled away concerned.
"What's wrong?" She asked, worried for her frail son.
"Father." Is all Tenko had to say for his mum to understand.
"I'm sorry, hun." His mum apologized, picking Tenko and taking him to a bathroom down the hall.
"Let's get you bandaged up." His mother said, smiling softly, before getting out the first aid kit.

-Time Skip-

"Thanks Mum." Tenko said, smiling at the black haired woman.
"You're welcome my little Tenko." His mother replied, smiling back at the frail boy.
"I'm home!" A familiar voice announced, Tenko hated hearing that voice almost as much as he hated the source of the voice. Tenko and his mother walked out of the bathroom, making there way to the front door where Tenko's father stood.
"Hi, how was your day at work?" Tenko's mother asked his father, when they arrived at the front door.
"Bad like always." His father responded, Tenko hid slightly behind his mum.
"You think you can hide from me? Well your sadly mistaken!" Tenko's father stated, before pulling Tenko from behind his mother, and pushing him outside the house before slamming and locking the door.
"Why doesn't he want me?" Tenko asked aloud, beginning to cry.
"Am I that bad?" Tenko questioned aloud, crying even harder now.

-Yep you guessed it another time skip cause I'm a lazy mother fucker-

"I don't know, Mon." Tenko stated, ending his rant that he went on for 5 minutes. Mon, Tenko's dog and only friend, soon disappeared from his arms.
"Mon?" Tenko said, confused that his arms were now empty.
"Mon!!" Tenko screamed, looking at the pile of dust that was once his dog.
"Tenko are you okay?!" Tenko's mother asked rushing outside the house, his sister following close behind his mum.
"M-mum." Tenko said, reaching out to grab his mothers hand, only for it to disappear into dust her body following soon after.
"Ahhh!! I'm a monster!" Tenko screamed, tears rolling down his face as he looked up to his horrified older sister.
"Go. Leave." Tenko said simply, not wanting to kill his sister as well.
"What?" She asked, confused with the current situation.
"I said go! Leave! I'm a monster! I don't want to kill you too, so go!" Tenko raised his voice hopping his sister would get the message, lucky for Tenko she did and ran off down the street. Something cold and evil in Tenko's gut began to rise.Tenko rose from where he was sitting and made his way to his fathers office, where his father sat behind a computer screen on a rolling chair. Tenko ran up to his father, climbing in his lap, wrapping his hands around his fathers neck, turning his father into dust within seconds.
"Ahahaha." Tenko laughed, feeling some sort of joy in his soul.

This is payback father

-611 words-

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