What you didn't realise was that you weren't alone in your pining. Mark was in the same boat as you. The more he got to know you, the harder it was for him to resist. But, he had to. You were so beautiful, kind, intelligent and so out of his league. He just knew you couldn't feel the same towards him. So he did what he had to, wanting to forget how he felt towards you.


Saturday came rolling in and you had never been more thankful. You had a terrible day yesterday, and you couldn't wait to have Mark to yourself and have him cheer you up. The day had gone rather well and you thought nothing could go wrong. Of course, you were wrong.

"So, what do you want to have for dinner tonight?" you asked Mark after he helped you put the groceries away.

"Shit, did I forget to tell you?" Mark asked more to himself. "I have a date tonight."

"Yeah, you did," you tried to hide your disappointment with a smile. "But, that's great news. I'm happy for you. Is this the first date for you and....?"

"Her name is Nelyn," Mark smiled. "Yeah, it's the first date. I met her at the bar last night and we hit it off, so I thought why not. I'm really hoping it goes well."

"I'm sure it would go fine, Mark," you said genuinely. "You're a great guy. She'll be crazy not to like you."

Mark flashed you his killer smile in thanks before going to his room to get ready, leaving you deflated in the kitchen. You let out a sigh before ordering some take out, grabbing the bottle of wine from the fridge and settling yourself in your room.


You caught up with Mark when you got home the next day as he was getting ready for his shift at the bar. He informed you that the date with Nelyn went rather well, and you were glad. You had spent the previous night convincing yourself that this was what was best for the both of you, so you were definitely happy for him.

Mark spendt his free time the next few weeks going on more dates with Nelyn, which meant he was missing out on your planned hang outs. He seemed truly happy so you were mostly okay with it.

Except for tonight. Tonight a part of you truly wished he was still single.

Before you and Mark left for class in the morning, he informed you again that he had another date with Nelyn, so you decided to make plans for yourself. You didn't want to stay home moping around anymore so you met up with Jaebeom at the local sushi train for dinner.

You found yourself in a food coma on the way home, and all in all exhausted after a long day in classes. You were so tired that you hadn't been paying attention to your surroundings when you entered the apartment.

You missed the extra pair of shoes by the door and littered clothing in the hallway. You were taking off your coat as you walked in and you were getting ready to throw it on the couch when you finally noticed what was in front of you.

Mark was there in all his naked glory, doing a girl, hopefully Nelyn, on your living room couch. She was holding on to the back of the couch while on her knees as Mark was thrusting behind her.

"Oh my God!" you yelled out after the reality in front of you finally sunk in. You abruptly covered your eyes and turned around, holding your hand out to feel your way towards the kitchen counter.

Mark and the girl screamed out at the same time in shock, before moving to hurriedly get their clothes back on.

"What are you doing here?!" Mark asked in surprise.

"Uhh, I live here?" you replied confused.

"You can look now," Mark instructed before sighing. "I meant, I saw you at the restaurant with Jaebeom. I thought you'd be out longer. That's why I brought Nelyn over."

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