His little brother

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Peter's head snapped up to face Aslan, who was walking slowly towards him.
"You should be asleep." He said.
Peter sighed a little, tightening his grip on his brothers hand. "I couldn't." He mumbled.
Aslan gave him a small nod and a look of understanding before looking over at Edmund. "We will look after your brother from now Peter." He said softly.
Peter's eyes went wide in alarm as he shook his head. "No." He said, his voice cracking. "I can't leave him."
Aslan sighed. "You're brother has injuries that we need to see to." He said quietly.
Peter swallowed hard. "Then let me help." He all but pleaded.
"Peter." Aslan sad calmly. "You must understand that it's up to Edmund if you know how badly he's been injured. He may not want you to see the wounds."
Peter's eyes filled with tears but deep down he knew that Aslan was right. "Are - Are they bad?" He asked.
Aslan gave him a sad smile. "We do not know yet Peter." He said.
"Please let me help." Peter practically begged.
"Peter." Aslan said softly but firmly. "As I said, it's up to Edmund if you see his injuries or not. And seeming as your brother is unconscious then we cannot get an answer, so therefore you have to go back to your tent."
Peter bit his lip, sighing. "Alright." He mumbled eventually.
There was a long while of silence in which no one did anything. That is until:
"P - Pete?"
Peter froze. The voice had been quiet and raspy, practically forced out the persons mouth - that person being his brother.
Peter hesitantly looked down at Edmund, to find his brothers eyes half open and a frown on his face.
Peter swallowed hard. "Hey." He choked, unsure of what to say.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before looking up at Orious, his frown getting deeper before his eyes went wide.
Before anyone could stop him he totally panicked and twisted out of Orious's arms, landing with a thud on the floor.
Peter quickly knelt beside him when he heard Edmund gasp in pain. "Ed it's okay, calm down." He said, causing Edmund's head to snap up and look at him. "You're at Aslan's camp, you're safe. You're not with her anymore."
Edmund stared at Peter for a while before glancing around at everyone else, and then his eyes fell on Aslan.
Peter watched a look of shame, guilt, and fear appear in his eyes and took a deep breath. "Did you hurt yourself?" He asked, just to break the awkward silence.
Edmund said nothing, he only looked back to his brother and stared at him as if he didn't have a clue who he was.
"Ed?" Peter asked.
Edmund sighed as his eyes began to droop, and within seconds he'd passed out again, laying with his head resting on his arm.
Peter swallowed hard, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder.
Orious slowly bent down and picked Edmund off the floor again, causing Peter to stand.
"His injuries really need cleaning sir." Orious said quietly.
Peter nodded. "I understand." He mumbled.
"The only thing is-" Orious mumbled. "I have a feeling they'll need cleaning more than once. And next time he'll probably be awake."
Peter bit his lip. "I know." He sighed, now wishing he'd asked his brother if he could stay. "I suppose I'll leave you then?" He choked.
Aslan nodded sadly. "He'll be fine Peter." He said. "I promise."
Peter nodded before letting go of Edmund's shoulder, and with great hesitation turning away and leaving.
He walked as fast as he could back to his tent, forcing himself not to look back.
Lifting up the tent flaps he entered the tent and all but collapsed into his hammock, tears filling his eyes.
"This is all your fault!"
"We just want our brother back."
"Our brother's been captured by the white witch."
"He - Betrayed them, your majesty."
Peter sighed, running a hand over his face as he took a deep breath. "He betrayed them" How was he just supposed to forget that? His own brother had betrayed him and Aslan and Narnia to the white witch.
Peter shook his head, he'd seen how much Edmund had paid for what he'd done.
But how an earth was he supposed to just forget about it and move on? He wanted to - boy did he want to - But he found himself unable to do so.
"You've brought them safely this far." "Not all of them."
Yesterday he'd been so worried about his brother and had wanted nothing more than for him to come back - safely.
Now that that had happened he just got angrier every minute. One question just kept repeating itself over and over again in his head.
"Why would Edmund do that to them?"
To Aslan
To Narnia
To Lucy
To Susan
To him?!
Sighing in frustrating he ran a hand through his hair. He supposed he'd just have to talk to him, but the very thought of doing that made him worried.
If he was this angry seeing Edmund pale, injured and unconscious, how angry would he get when Edmund was awake and able to walk and talk? Peter wished he knew the answer.
Pulling his blanket over him he bit his lip, closing his eyes. But the second he did they shot open again. Everytime he closed his eyes he saw his brothers face, bruised and dirty, covered in blood, and it made him feel sick.
So climbing back out of bed he slowly and quietly made his way out of the tent, deciding to go for a walk to clear his thoughts.
After a few minutes he came across a tent, people talking inside.
Looking around slowly to make sure no one could see him he walked up to the tent. He didn't dare peek inside, for fear of getting caught, so instead he just listened.
"Why would she do this?" That was the faun that Peter had spoken to. "He's only a kid."
"She's evil." Orious. "She doesn't care about anyone."
"What do you think happened?" Said the faun.
"That's for him to tell us when he's ready." Came the deep voice of Aslan.
"I suppose I'll go and get some water and a cloth." Peter heard the faun mutter before hearing footsteps.
As quickly as he could he dashed away from the tent, not wanting to get caught.
Taking a deep breath he sighed. What had the witch done to his little brother?


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