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Candy is sweet and crushes are not. Only to be broken in the spot. If you want advice, don't go for a guy, who has a girlfriend, oh.. WHY. WHY. WHY. Hi my name is Brianna, the writer. My nickname is Bri. So this is just a paragraph about how my life sucks basically. Like candy and crushes put together. That's the whole reason I wrote this story. So it begins when I was only a little baby. 4 years old. Pretty young. Anyways, my first crush was a retarded boy, and stuff. He always cracked lame jokes I considered FUNNY.

"Oh hey, what are two bananas?"

"Two ban-"

Shut up. Ugh.. The joke wasn't even that good. Well, this was short. But next is when I was 12. Oh, your going to..
love this. So, I was addicted to candy and boys. I thought both were sweet, but no.  No they are not. Boys are reckless. (Some of them, no offense) Heartbreakers, Annoying Children, Long List. I asked this kid to go with me to the dance, and he insulted my breast size. "A- Little Too Ugly." If you didn't get the joke, he called my breast A-cup. Yeah, that is right. So um, yeah there is so much I can explain. But this is where I get bored. And cry a little. Well, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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