chapter 2

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I hated my life. I hated how everyone else seemed to be the center of attention and I was left out. Guess you could call me the loner of the family. They bring me and vanya along to trips and to go places but I know they don't want us to go with them they just feel bad. I'm glad nobody came out to see if I was okay to be honest because I looked a mess and I still do. I had tied my hair back into a ponytail and put on some pajamas. I dumped my soaking wet clothes into the laundry basket and threw myself back onto my bed and stared at the roof above me. I would do this sometimes whenever I felt down or unwanted which seemed to be alot of the time now. Vanya thinks she has it bad but at least everyone remembers she exists. Once It was mid December and we had decided to go ice skating. I had needed the bathroom and when I came back I found that everyone had left without me, exept Five.

I can't believe they all left me. I was gone for like 5 mins and they decided to leave. I litterally had no money so I couldn't get a taxi home which meant I would have to walk out in the freezing dark night for half an hour by myself. My siblings would always taunt me and tell me that I wasn't strong or brave enough to go anywhere alone and that I need someone with me at all times because of me being 'fragile' but here I am alone at night when I'm most vulnerable. How ironic.

I sigh and step out into the cold night and started walking a few feet away from the building and down the street.

"You know it would be much easier if I teleported us home but we can walk if you like" I immediately turned to see Five leaned against the building wall with his arms crossed due to the cold. "I didn't realise anyone waited for me" I shrugged as he walked up to me. "Well I did. I asked them to wait with me so you weren't alone but they refused. Anyway let's go home". He grabbed my arm and we teleported back to the house.


I sigh before getting up and turning if the light. I got under the covers and turned in my side to get some long deserved rest.


Five's p.o.v

I teleported back to the house and walked into the kitchen in my now drenched uniform. I noticed klaus and Ben sitting at the kitchen table and decided to ask then something. "I was wondering, why don't you guys ever treat y/n with respect? It's not just you two though it's Allison,Diego and Luther too. Heck even vanya acts like she doesn't give a crap about her." They both looked at me confused "well it's not like she is one of us Five she doesn't have powers." Ben said drinking the coffee in front of him. "Grace doesn't have any powers and neither does pogo but we all listen to them." They both looked at each over for a second then looked back at me. They didnt say anything so I groaned and walked upstairs. I don't understand why non of us have ever had the decency to try and talk to her or properly hang out. Personally I know that non of then really want y/n with us when we go to places but I actually quiet enjoy her company. Sure she hardly takes part in anything but it's the fact she is there with us that counts.

Entering my bedroom I placed my blazer into my laundry basket and changed into my satin blue pajamas. I then placed my other items of clothing into the basket as well making sure I didn't get any water on the clothes I were wearing. I turned of my light and sat in bed and decided to continue reading my maths and physics books that I find interesting. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs which I presumed were y/n since she probably just got back. I felt bad not offering to teleport her home with me but I had decided against it because I knew she probably wanted to be alone. Her room was directly beside mine at the end of the corridor and the walls were very thin so we could normally hear what we were both doing. I could hear her light switch off and then some more footsteps and then nothing. She probably went to bed.

It had been around an hour since y/n had gone to bed and I could hear noise from her room but I couldn't make out what it was. I placed my books down and sat still so I could concentrate better. That's when the noise got louder. I could hear her sobbing and moving about. It also sounded like she was talking to someone but I couldn't make or what she was saying. I decided to see what was going on and left my room. I opened the door to y/n's room but found nobody in the room with her. She was laying on her side and then started to shift about again. From the small amount of light from the hallway that projected itself into the room I could see hot tears trickling down her face. She was murmuring something quietly but starting sobbing more and quickly moving her limbs in different directions. "Stop" she said. I froze in my place. I thought she had woken up bit she continued her same patten over and over again.

"Please, no!"
"I'm sorry please stop"
"No I'm not"

I grabbed hold of her shoulders and gently tried to shake her awake. "y/n" I whispered trying to awaken her from her awful nightmare she was having."wake up y/n" I said raising my voice above a whisper but not so our father would find me awake or in her room. Her eyes fluttered open and she quickly sat up and looked around her. Her breathing was quick and she still had tears staining her face. She then turned her attention to me. "Five? What are you doing here?" She asked wiping away her tears and rubbing her eyes. "You were having a nightmare, I could hear you from my room and wanted to see if you were okay." She slowly nodded her head. "I-it seemed so real." I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. " Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head once again still in a frightened state. "Okay well I'm in my room if you need me, night y/n."
"Night five".

I left her room and entered my own and continued reading my book.

Y/N's p.o.v

Everything felt so real and It would have been hard convincing myself it wasn't but when I woke up Five was there. I wasn't sure how long he had been there but he had seen me in my pajamas and he had also seen me cry which was something I didn't like. The dream was hard to think about but I did anyway like everything else that has gone wrong in the past.


I walked down the stairs and into the front room. Everyone was stood in a line and was holding a book in their hands.

"What's going on?" I asked. They all ignored me and just kept staring. "Um ok" I said and went to walk away. A sharp pain spread through the back of my head. I looked around me to see a book lying on the floor next to me. I looked at each of them and realised Luther no longer had a book. "Why did you throw that?" He said nothing. I walked closer to her but as I did another book hit my right in the face and then another and another. The pain was awful and I was now lying on the floor whilst my body felt like it was being smashed into peices.

"Your worthless! "


"We should trash her room and then beat her till every bone in her body is broken"

"Please, no!"

"You ruin our lives just by existing. Do you know how hard it is to look at your face everyday and not vomit?"

"I'm sorry please stop"

"I bet your going to go and cry in your room like you are now and feel sorry for yourself aren't you."

"No I'm not"

(dream end)

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