The thought was bittersweet. He stumbled over to the bathroom to shut himself inside. Crawling on the chilled floors to push himself in the small gap he learned to comfort himself with. It was uncomfortable, with his head bent forward and his knees digging into his chest with the familiar rub of the sink pipe against his shins, he sighed. He's been taking what he could get. Since at this point he's a dead man anyway.

Living in the Detention Center wasn't always luxurious. By that, he means not at all.

Needles, rough hands, sick stomachs, and swirling rooms, were all he learned to know. For bad behavior always came a punishment, but the new world took it to the extreme. Now, if he didn't breath right in the presence of a higher-up, he was smacked upside the head for it. He wasn't exaggerating either, he's seen kids have panic attacks where they start hyperventilating and all any adult ever did was yell at them to stop it.

Like that did much.

Kokichi just closed his eyes, he never crawled out to look at the time. He'd sit there until someone dragged him out.

When he heard the door open, his heart jumped into his throat on reflex. Flinching back to hard and hitting his head on the rim of the toilet seat. Ow.

"Get out." They said soullessly. Kokichi glanced up at them from his nook. The alarm hadn't even gone off. Unless it had, and he was just going deaf to the world. No other words were spoken as the burly man went over to grab his arm and drag him out and throw him forward. Where Kokichi pushed himself up to sit on his knees to crane his neck up to look at the man.

"Could have said please." He replied uselessly. The man's hand grabbed at the back of his shirt and pulled him roughly to his feet.

Of course, his words went ignored. When he was dragged back out into the room, Kokichi saw the lights were still off and the hall still dim. The clock had thirty more minutes before 6 o'clock. "Hey, what gives?" Kokichi whined as the guy pushed him out into the hallway. "I still have time to sulk!"

Again, he's left unanswered. When he was younger, he used to get some sort of reply, but now, he's just another inconvenience. Human being? Not really. The funny part was that the scientist that wanted to test things on him, and all the delinquent, they turned into punching bags, to be correlated back to how a human might react to the same thing. Correlated.

Kokichi huffed out a frustrated sigh. This man had long strides and he was going to enter a paced jog just to keep up with the hand still clenching the back of his shirt. The hallway was long and always seemed endless. Kokichi stared at all the other delinquents within their box of a room as he passed them.

They all slept, beaten and bruised much like him. Only a few were sitting up and watching them pass. Others remained empty, perhaps in the same place he was going to.

They turned a corner, and once the guy pushed him into the room. He groaned. "What? Did schedules change this time? I could be sleeping now." He complained. The guy only turned and left.

Kokichi sighed. The hard tiled white floors and walls marked the Wash Room. Normally he doesn't have to deal with his space bubble being popped until he gets to the school building.  Where everyone has to go to the Wash Center and get all hair on your body ripped off. In this Wash Room, it was more public than it was at school.

Since all wash centers were separated by a clear glass pane wall. You're on display for the world to see while they strip you of all clothing and power wash your grim riddled skin until you feel like you've been pelted with too many pebbles to still be alive.

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