
Start from the beginning


Dib didnt really look him in the eye " yeah dad..i-its me " he put zim down gently


Membrane didn't even notice the alien. He was too worried. He kneeled. "Son! What happened?! My sensors told me you were dead!",

Zim stood behind Dib


Dib took a deep breath and looked at his dad putting his hood down " well...a-about that..." He smiles nervously


The professor looked into his son's eyes. Purple. Why..why were they purple?! And his skin.. "D-dib...what's happening? Wha..what is this??",


"Thats...the uh...the..PAK....." He lifts his shirt and hoodie to show his dad


Membrane backs up. this?? What did the alien do?! What did it do?!! He stood up. "Dib..move aside.",

Zim could feel the fury radiating from the science man. Oh no.


Dib looked at zim and back at his dad " n-no dad!"


"What did you do to my son, creature?! I thought you would bring him no harm!",

Zim cowered behind Dib, he hadn't expected this.


Dib backed away pushing zim back with him " dad stop it was my choice!!"


The professor was stunned. "Your..choice?",


" yes!" Dib yelled


Zim breathed hard, his vision blurring. This man was terrifying.

Membrane filled with anger once again, berated his son. "What were you thinking?! What happened to you?! Son, did you die?! Are you even alive right now?!!!", he gestured to Dib's PAK "What have you let this creature turn you in to?!",


Dib hesitated " d-dad im still alive not ageing , and he didnt turn me into anything ! Im still human ..kinda...just now my blood is...well...p-purple because of the pak......and y-yes technically i did die for a few moments b-but that doesnt really matter right now.."


Membrane was fuming. He pushed Dib out of the way and picked Zim up by the collar of his hoodie, slamming him against the wall. "Reverse what you've done! Or I'll gut you on live television!!!",

Zim was going to die. He was going to die. Nonononono.


Dib fell to the ground and looked at his dad " DAD NO STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING " he got up and pulled on his dads arm trying to get him to unhand zim ( back at it again with that angst shit)


Zim pushed on the professor's arm. "No! Zim is sorry! Please!",

Membrane pushed Zim into the wall harder, completely ignoring his son. "How. Do I. Reverse it.",


"dad stop! I did this to myself just stop! You always do this!!" Dib starts crying " dad please!! put him down!!"


Membrane is going to destroy this alien. He's going to tear out it's organs while it's still alive!

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