Second Golden Ticket Winner Goes to Bubblegum Champion

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Bold=TV while normal=normal.
     The next day Charlie woke up early to see if anyone found another golden ticket. He hoped that the next person would be nice. Not that Augustus wasn't nice,he might be nice. After all I don't want to judge anyone. However maybe Violet might be nicer.

     He then turned on the TV. He saw a news reporter. At first he thought it was nothing. They were just talking about the weather. Its supposed to be sunny though he wishes he could go outside but his father wouldn't let him knowing that there would be plenty of people who would try to kidnap him. He was about to change the channel but the headlines caught his attention.

He then started shaking his parents & shouted, "mama,papa!"

"What is it Charlie,"said his father groggily as him & his wife yawned.

"The second golden ticket has been found,"he said excitingly as he tries to contain himself from jumping up & down.

     The family then started to watch. There on the TV was 2 women & a young girl at the age of 12. The news reporter was the one from yesterday. The woman she was interviewing had a blond bob as a hairstyle with a blue jumpsuit & had make up on. Her daughter looked exactly like her except she had no make up.

"So how did you find the golden ticket,"asked the reporter.

"It doesn't matter how I got the ticket,the most important thing is that I got it,I already knew I was gonna get because I am the best, "the the mother's young duplicate boasted.

"I smell a rat,& its coming from the TV,"the chocolatier said boredly.

"Oh Willy,maybe she's just trying to be funny,"the kind mother said.

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover father,"said the sweet boy.

"Mhmm,"the older man hummed sarcastically.

"My daughter has lots of beautiful trophies as you can see & if there was a prize from any of this she would get it,"bragged the mother.

"Bleh,"Willy Wonka said while pretending to throw up.

"Willy,"said Sarah while giggling.
Violet is from the 2005 version.

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