Lel, Did you say bruhtata?

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OK YAYYY USLESS RANTS! So as far as I'm concerned, The sixth graders at my middle school are. .
=____= such brats. . . They touched my cuts on my arms and didn't say sorry they called me a weird suicidal creature -.-. . . Anyways they come up with the stupidest things.

If any people in my grade come up with a word, Sixth graders feel like they have to counter it like so kinda pokemon battle, We say bruh, They say bruhtata. We say something about cats, They talk about gerbils. GERBILS. Take a moment for that to sink in.

And also, Any other grade below you just has to have the feelings to act like the graded above them so they start acting cool and stuff. Like, Get a life please I know You're young but. . . Choose better role models. None of us upper graders are good role models, And we all know that's true -____- . I'm not trying to be mean but. . . To get better role models listen to you're parents. . . Or you could just go and sell drugs to kids in a black van that says "Free candy" when you're older.

Ah the choices of life.

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