The two of you then headed off to the next aisle as you needed to grab some olive oil. You walked slightly ahead of him and the trolley since you knew where they were located. When you got there, you realised that the supermarket had moved it to the higher shelf just out of your reach. You tried to grab it to no avail - not even standing on your tippy toes helped.

"You know you can just ask me to grab it for you right, shorty?" Mark teased and you glared at him.

"I am not short," you huffed. "That's not where they used to be. The store moved it higher."

Mark smirked at you and you knew that he didn't buy it, even though it was the truth. You felt yourself blush the longer he stared at you, so you swallowed your pride.

"Will you please grab it for me?" you asked in a small voice, and Mark stared more intently at you.

"You know I was just teasing right?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yeah it's fine. I get it."

Mark walked up to you and lifted your chin up so you were facing him, your eyes widening in confusion. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it too far."

"It's fine, really," you moved out of reach from him with tinted cheeks. "You can make it up to me by grabbing two of the green bottles please."

Mark went to reach for the bottles and his shirt rode up as he stretched his arm, revealing his toned stomach and you couldn't help but stare. God, those chiselled abs are going to haunt you again in your dreams tonight.

"Just can't get enough can you?" Mark teased as he handed the bottles over to you.

"Well, you've certainly made up for it now," you winked at him and now it was his turn to blush. Just before he could come up with a retort, the two of you heard your names get called out by a familiar voice.

"Jackson, what are you doing here?" Mark asked, not bothering to turn around, silently hoping that it was just a figment of his imagination and you giggled.

"Grocery shopping," Jackson lifted his shopping basket filled with items before turning to address you. "You must be some type of miracle worker. I couldn't even bribe Mark to come shopping with me. What's your secret?"

"Alright, that's enough," Mark finally turned to give Jackson a questioning stare. "What do you want?"

"That's no way to treat a friend," Jackson scoffed. "Anyway, this is perfect. I've been meaning to ask you guys over for dinner with Irene and I at our apartment. Why don't you guys come tonight?"

"We're in."

"We're busy."

You and Mark replied at the same time. You both looked at each other, before he leaned in.

"We're busy, remember? We're cooking dinner tonight."

"Why cook dinner when we can get a free feed at Jackson's?" you asked confused.

"He's going to be annoying," Mark tried to dissuade you.

"If he does get annoying, I'll cook you whatever you want for the rest of the week."

"We'll be there," Mark answered Jackson, who then wiggled his eyebrows.

"See you guys at seven!" Jackson said before heading off.

"Why do I feel like I just got duped?" you asked as you dropped the bottles into the trolley.

"Because you did," Mark laughed. "I'll be sending you over the menu I want for the week after dinner."


Once the two of you got back to the apartment, Mark had offered to put all the groceries away while you went to the laundry and moved both of your washing to the dryer. He made his way down ten minutes later, and opened the door to the view of you bent over, as you tried to pull the clothes from the dryer.

"God, your ass is perfect," Mark mumbled out and you screamed your heart out, jumping away from the sound.

Mark stood there with eyes widened in fright as you held an empty laundry basket up in front of you as a shield.

"Mark, what the fuck?!" you yelled at him. "You scared the shit out of me, you pervert!"

"Pervert?!" Mark asked incredulously, not knowing what you were going on about.

"Look, I don't care if you check my ass out, but can you at least announce yourself before doing so? You're going to give me a heart attack and I'm too young to die!"

"Did I say that out loud?" Oh God. You nodded furiously and he wanted the floor to swallow him up. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine," you sighed. "I've been rooming with Jaebeom, my own best friend, for years and I still checked him out now and then. It's normal."

"Oh, did you and Jaebeom ever... um..." Mark suddenly couldn't find his voice, unsure if he was ready for the answer.

"Ever?" you asked as Mark never finished his sentence but as soon as you looked at his face, you knew what he was asking. "Dear God, no. No. Not even once. The guy is like my brother."

Mark let out a breath of relief that he didn't know he was holding. He didn't even know why he cared. You were just roommates right?


[ 18:00 ] wang puppy: you guys are still coming over for dinner right?

Ah, Jackson. Mark knew he was up to something tonight.

[ 18:01 ] la gangster: yeah we'll be there
[ 18:01 ] la gangster: you said seven right?
[ 18:02 ] wang puppy: yep. i hope you're ready for the double date

I fucking knew it, Mark thought.

[ 18:03 ] la gangster: you fucker
[ 18:03 ] la gangster: i knew you were up to something
[ 18:04 ] wang puppy: well you're not making a move
[ 18:04 ] wang puppy: so i'm making it for you

"Everything okay?" you asked Mark curiously as he was staring at his phone in fear. "You look a little freaked out there."

"Yeah, I'm okay," Mark tried to smile but it probably looked more like a grimace. "It's Jackson. I'm just scared he's going overboard tonight, that's all."

You laughed. "Tell him not to worry. I'm good with pizza or something simple. I'm gonna bring my load up now and get ready. You okay to wait for yours on your own?"

"Yeah, I'll be up in a few minutes," Mark waited till you were out the door before going back on his phone.

[ 18:10 ] la gangster: i swear to god jackson
[ 18:10 ] la gangster: don't plan anything
[ 18:11 ] wang puppy: no promises ;)
[ 18:12 ] la gangster: i'm cancelling
[ 18:12 ] wang puppy: if you cancel, i'm telling her you have a crush on her
[ 18:13 ] la gangster: you are literally the worst
[ 18:13 ] la gangster: and i do not have a crush on her
[ 18:14 ] wang puppy: yah, keep lying to yourself
[ 18:14 ] wang puppy: don't worry
[ 18:14 ] wang puppy: you'll thank me :)

Mark groaned and looked heavenward. He then looked down at his stomach, feeling light fluttering in there. What the fuck was this feeling? Jackson, what have you done?

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