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it happened again.

this time, however, draco hadnt managed to get to the bathroom on time. he could feel the petals making theyre way up his throat in potions as potty rested his head on his hand dreamily, not looking at him. it hurt for reasons draco didnt want to understand . moments later, he coughed harshly, attracting attention from quite a few people in the potions room.

he quickly stood, blushing red as a rose, and hurried towards the door. he covered his mouth tightly with both hands as he kept coughing and coughing. he took his hands away for a split second to ask professor snape if he could use the restroom, and a single petal escaped from between his lips. he covered his mouth again and ran out the door, not bothering to wait for the confused professors response.

and, as i said, he didnt quite make it. he collapsed half way to the restroom, heaving and vomiting violently on the cobble stone. his throat burned, his arms itched, and he so desperately wanted it to stop, but it didnt. it was much the same story as the day before.

only there was a lot more blood.

draco heaved up petals and flowers and blood and then an entire begonia branch came from his mouth. not a big one, it was about the size of his pinky, but he had thrown it up horizontally. it scraped his throat to point where, even though he could contain most of what pain he had suffered with a straight face, he cried out at the pain.

draco reached into his mouth to pull the branch out, whimpering as his fingers came back slick with blood. he thought that had been the end of it. he let his guard down.

he wasnt expecting yet another big begonia blossom to crawl its way out of his lungs. so when it happened, he screamed. actually screamed, the noise echoing down the corridor until draco was sure everyone within a twenty mile distance had heard his cry. it hurt. it hurt so, so bad.

draco clawed at his throat, coughing even though nothing more came out of his mouth. he sobbed, in the middle of the hall, as loud as he could. he hated being so weak, so weak as to cry out. but it hurt.

it hurt a lot.


harry was confused to say the least. one moment everything was perfect, he had been thinking about flying and treacle tarts, staring into space, and then he heard a loud, harsh cough from behind him. he spun around - the cough had sounded like it hurt - and saw malfoy covering his mouth, rushing to the front of the potions room quickly. he opened his mouth to professor snape, presumably to ask a question, but no sound came out.

a petal did.

harry knew from the shape and colour that it was a begonia. his favourite. it was a perfectly shaped yellow petal.

malfoy covered his mouth again, and harry couldve sworn he saw tears in his eyes as he turned and hurried away out the door.

harry was on his feet instantly. he moved over to where the petal lay, picking it up and examining it. up close, he could see that the petal wasnt as pristine as he thought.

it was flecked with blood.

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