Chapter 1: Loyalty's Consequences

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Gotrád City 

-Evening, November 3, 2019

As a cool breeze travels swiftly through the streets of Gotrád,  a woman clothed in black leather seeks to find her assigned destination from the dimmed city. She sees a small bar called the Lústreüx-Dêux, and makes her mind in entering the place. She turns the knob, and pushes the door slowly to open. As the woman enters the bar, she places her fedora and leather coat on a rack to the left side of the door. The bartender notices the woman and goes to the counter to prepare a glass of wine, another woman nods to the man in which he responds in adding another glass.

The leather-clothed woman looks around at the small spaces of area in the bar, while the other one stares at her in a sinister way. Her eyes, filled with the color of pure emeralds. Her lips, each edge smiling seductively as if this was her lunch. And her face, the look of a beautiful redhead with a shine and youth of Snow White.

"I have been waiting a long while for you, and yet you show your face now. At the minute where I have mostly been inflicted with impatience.", the other woman said. Standing still in shame and boldness, the woman in leather stutters in her words, "I-I'm sorry to be late, mi-mistress. The night was too cold for me to make haste." The woman grins and sighs, as she turns her head to the leather-cloth. "Sit, you damn simpleton"

Both women have now seated in their positions beside each other, drinking their glasses of wine. The redhead finishes her glass and snaps her fingers, ordering the bartender to get a new glass filled with wine. "Exiled to the lowest pits of suffering, you must have been feeling pretty overwhelmed with the thoughts in your mind, have you?" The leather-clothed woman stays silent and stares at the counter. "Although, I need to be sure that you are ready to take up this task. Tell me, who do you blame for your exile? The person or people that you despise the most for what they made you do?"
She puts her head down to make the redhead won't see the face of guilt and builds up her courage to reply shakingly, "Michael."

Her head became twisted from the torture and pain that the poor mind can take. She gathered her act together and decided to go against the person who 'changed' her, a person who 'plagued' her. Michael Briggs, the man who's ran away from them. The only man that could run from them alive. The man who convinced dozens of their own people to revolt, including her. "So, Joilene, what do you say? You in to help us take Acrilas? And to find and execute Michael?" The woman asks in a sinister tone. 

"I'm only helping your cause to make him suffer, and not to take the state. Deal?" Joilene puts her hand out for a shake. Redhead smiles and grips her hand assuring Joilene that she will help her.

"It's a deal, Joie. Hehe.."

A man screams in anguish as he dreams of a nightmare in his bed. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!"

(hi guys, just here to ask for your opinions of how i write the stories. i wanna try and improve on it, plus i wanna see what people would think of it by deciding to release the first chapter early. these upcoming chapters will be as short as this also. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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