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A/n: hey are you guys actually being notified when I update? Because all of a sudden I've seen a drop in reads and I'm wondering if people just stopped reading or if they aren't being notified. Has wattpad like??? Shadow banned me or something??

Hc: you're expecting your first child, but that means you have to settle on a name.

"Hmm... I want something unique but not stupid" you mumbled.

"I know... I can't think of anything that just clicks you know" L replied.

Sitting in the kitchen at 4am, 6 months pregnant with your husband opposite you looking at baby name websites wasn't what you expected your inability to sleep lead you to. But, a name had to be picked in the next three months. So it wasn't a total waste of time. The taskforce asleep a few floors above you, you actually had the time to discuss this. Sure they knew you were pregnant, they could definitely tell. But they didn't know who the father was, for the sake of the case. To them, you and L were nothing but co-workers.

"How about... Erika?" He suggested.

"Hmm... not feeling it" you replied.


"Too... tough"

You had kept the gender a surprise, so you not only had to think of a girls name, but a boys name too.

"Mason?" L suggested.

"That's ok... it's possible" you replied.


"Alright... but no"

"God this is hard..." L sighed.

"I know... I want a cool name but it's just so hard!"

"And I don't want to accidentally ruin the kids life with their name... I don't want to name them something they could be bullied for"

You scrolled through the list of names on your screen, having them sorted under all tabs rather than just boy or girl specific. Having boys names, girls names and gender neutral names all under the same tab.

"How about Elizabeth?" You suggested.

"It's nice but pretty common" L replied.

"True, what about Oliver?"

"Oliver is nice, that's a possibility. How about Zyla?"

"Zyla... that's nice. Ok so far we have Mason, Ritsuko, Kai and Oliver for a boy and Kotori, Madeline, Celeste and Emilia for a girl" you exclaimed.

The two of you thought for a moment, about how to cut down the list and make a decision.

"Ok, of all of those what do we keep coming back to?" L asked.

"None really for the girls, but for boys we seem to land on Ritsuko the most"

"Ritsuko... Rit-su-ko... yeah, I think that's my favourite out of the boys. Kai is a close second"

"Agreed, Ritsuko is pretty. And there's no potential mean nicknames you can make out of it that I can think of"

"We still need a girls name though, I'll keep looking" L said, turning back to his laptop.

Since you were sitting in the kitchen and not the monitor room, you failed to notice the lights go on a floor above you and notice the now awake boy walking down the hallways. He was thirsty and wanted to get a drink. It was Matsuda, the heat had gotten to him and his body woke itself up, needing something too cool off.

He walked down the stairs, kind of confused to see L wasn't watching the screens as usual. But he could hear his voice as well as yours down the hall.

He heard names, he figured you must be asking him for help naming your child.

"(Y/n)! This is prefect!" L smiled. 

"What is it?" You asked.


It clicked. The second you heard it, something just clicked. It was pretty, unique, it rolled off the tongue.

"Annalise... that's perfect!"

"It's pretty, it's different, it sounds nice, it's the perfect girls name"

You tried to picture what your baby would look like as they grew up, having a mix of your genes and L's genes. You could definitely see the names Ritsuko and Annalise fitting someone who looked similar to your husband.

As Matsuda approached the kitchen the words got clearer. He quite liked that name as well, it would suit your baby.

"So is that it? Annalise for a girl, Ritsuko for a boy?" You asked.

"You're the mother, it's your final choice" L replied.

"You're the father, you get a say as well"

Suddenly the police officer stopped in his tracks. L was the father? Since WHEN! He never even knew that L was in relations with you, let alone was the father to your child. The words you spoke painted his in a whole new light. But, he could definitely see why you two were so comfortable with each other. It made sense now. The reason you and L were so close was because you were together, and literally expecting a child. It made him happy actually, L always looked so lonely, he was glad that he actually had someone.

And loving kids himself, Matsuda couldn't wait to meet your child when they were eventually born.

He decided not to interrupt your moment and seek his glass of water from another part of the building. Like the mini fridge in the office. Surely they'd have a water bottle.

Ritsuko and Annalise, he liked them just as much as the parents did. He was happy they you were both happy.

"Well I like them, I just want to know if you do" L said.

"I love them. I think we finally named our child L" you replied.

Exchanging a warm smile and a quick kiss, it felt like a weight was lifted off the both of your shoulders. The only thing left was to wait, and actually have the baby.

"I can't wait for this" L smiled.

"Neither can I, but there is one more thing..."


"We need an alias for them..."

Oh joy, more name picking.


L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now