Her heart beat rapidly as she opened the car door to see what she had hit. Mia get back in the car now! She mentally cursed herself as she stumbled out of her old Ford. Snow crunched under her Doc Marten's as she made her way to the front of the car, she nearly fainted at the size of the dent. There was no way that she had hit a deer and she prayed it wasn't a bear. The rational part of Mia was calculating the cost's of getting it fixed instead of worrying about her well being. She knew it would be at least one month of her paycheck. 


Mia froze in her place, she was petrified to face the noise. Taking a deep breath Mia slowly turned around. Her gaze was met with a man. He laid about ten feet away from her car. The size of the man made her question how she hadn't seen him in the process of getting out of her car. The man sat clutching his side, his head hung low but she could hear small mumbles falling from his lips.

        "Holy shit," Mia groaned, "Uh, excuse me. Um mister, are you alright?" Mia asked, wanting to punch herself in the face because the man obviously wasn't alright. The man groaned again causing her to squeak and take a step back, "Oh thank God. I thought-I thought I killed you. I should probably call an ambulance."


        Mia glanced up from her phone, "What do you mean no, I just hit you with my truck. A very large truck may I add and you don't want me to call for help?"        

Mia's mouth fell agape as she watched the large man stand up as if nothing had happened, as if he had not just been hit by a car! It wasn't until he walked into the brightness from her headlights that she could see his face.

        "Roman?" she whispered taking another step back.

        "No ambulance." he stated turning around slowly, "See? No damage done."

Mia was shocked, there was not one bruise or speck of blood on the his bare chest. His clothes though were torn a bit from his run in with the road.

        Mia sighed, "At least let me give you a ride home seeing as you don't want to go to a hospital. My car may have a massive dent in it but it still runs."

        "No." his voice ruff, "I can find my way home."

        "I insist. I'd feel horrible if I left you out here, especially when there's a storm coming."

Roman didn't speak again, only made his way towards her car, climbing in and slamming the door shut. Okay then, Mia rolled her eyes before turning around and making her way back. It took a few tries to get it started, but in the span of five minutes they were up and moving. The car ride was full of silence, all of Mia's attempts to start a conversation were shot down immediatly.

                                                                                authors note

Okay so know I said there would be more Roman but this is the best I could do but I promise next chapter there will be so much more

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