We were all standing around the table to see what we still had left to do. "No you got to be head chef because you called it! and who do you think your fooling with this crispy white apron power trip you on!?" "Are you going to be a team player or not!?" "Oh I'm a team player alright but I'm also allergic to pineapples!" LeShawana yell right back at Heather it was certainly a sight to see both Heather and LeShawana argue and it was nice to see someone stand up to Heather. "Let's show them what teamwork is." I tell them and we all get back to work.

Harold is chopping up meat for his dish as Geoff and DJ walk over to him. "Dude you gotta put some clothes on man. It's unsanitary to cook in something that small." Geoff said as both him and DJ snicker. "So give me back my pants then!" Harold exclaims angrily and Duncan walks over to him. "Harold's right guys. If you go to the cabin you'll find a clean pair of underwear and shorts waiting." Duncan says and Harold heads to the cabin to change and I see them laugh evilly as Duncan shows the hot sauce. "That wasn't cool you guys it was a mean trick. You need to stop bugging Harold he never did anything to you." I tell them narrowing my blue eyes at them.

Harold came walking back in an hour later and we were all almost done. The poor guy was in his Pajamas and the boys were clapping sarcastically. "Nice jammies." Duncan says with a smirk on his face. "This is all I've got left so if you sickos wanna see me butt naked hit me with your best shot." Harold says and I just shake my head.

//As much as I want to step in for Harold again the guy has to learn to stand on his own two feet and stand up for himself.//

"Well stop leaving your butt bags all over the cabin and we'll back off." Duncan explains and I realized this was their way of getting him to stop but it was still wrong humiliating him. "I told you it wasn't me!" Harold exclaimed and Duncan shrugs "well I tried." He says as Geoff walks over with a plate of sandwiches but something looked funny about them. "Hey guys I made some sandwiches. We can chow down while we work." He explains and Harold runs up and grabs one. "Oh sweet I'm seriously starving." He says before taking a bite and then made a weird face. "This tastes like sweat and lotion. It's probably the worst sandwich ever." He says pulling out his underwear from inside the sandwich. "Gross!" He exclaims dropping both of them onto the floor and looking disgusted and everyone laughed at him like it was funny. "We'll return all your shorts and panties when you admit your guilt dude." Geoff says and Harold looks down sadly before walking out of the room humiliated.

I walk up to the three guys having seen enough. "You know it's only fun and games till you hurt someones feelings or worse things happen." I say to them before walking over to Bridgette. "Why are you getting so worked up Luna?" She asked seeing the stressed and hurt look on my face. "I know their only teaching Harold a lesson Bridge but the way they're doing it is bringing back some tough memories for me." I explain to her and she looks confused. "Me and my best friend were victims of bullying worse then this. It was bad enough I changed schools and it still can sometimes get to me because I don't want to see anyone go through with what happened to me or my friend." I tell her and she then understands what I'm going through. "Well I better go finish the dessert." I tell her and she gives me a sympathetic look. But before I could walk over Geoff, Duncan, and DJ pull me outside. "Okay what's going on?" I ask and all three explain that they didn't mean to hurt Harold they just wanted to teach him a lesson about not leaving his underwear around on the cabin floor. "So do you forgive us or what?" Duncan asks and I sigh. "I understand where you're coming from but you don't have to humiliate someone like that. So I forgive you just don't do anything that extreme again." I say and then we all walk back inside.

(Time Skip)

"You're such a slob they all need to have the same amount of custard." Courtney points out as we both watch Duncan fill them unevenly. "Oh relax they're fine. You know you'd be a lot more fun without that pole up your butt." Duncan says smiling at her. "I'm like the most easy going person I know." Courtney says and I smile cause I know where this is going. "Oh yeah you're totally laid back." Duncan says sarcastically shooting some custard at Courtney. She frowns and wipes it off before dumping the entire bowl of the remaining custard on his head. Making me giggle a little at the surprised look on his face as Courtney swipes some custard off his face and licks it. I smile and I have a feeling those two are going to be getting together soon. It's times like these I wish I had someone to share moments with. "Okay you two clean up I'll finish up the dessert." I say to them and quickly finish filling each shell up with an even amount of custard.

It was time for the presentation and taste testing. I peer out the kitchen door watching Beth and Geoff interact with Chris. "Your meal is coming right up sir." Beth says as she places a creepy looking tikki doll. Geoff lights the candelabra. "Back in a sec with your meal dud I mean sir." Geoff says and we're all hoping to win this challenge. We all stand out in the dining room as Chris tries Harold and Sadie's dish. "Your antipasto passed the test oh. Pass the pasta please." Chris says as Bridgette slides the plate to him. Chris takes a bite then looks at our two teammates. "On a scale of one to ten fifteen. How will the Gophers respond." Chris says and Owen brings out a plate of ribs that looks like it had been eaten. I figured that they wouldn't get a good score so I just walk back to the kitchen and nod to Duncan and Courtney as we bring out our dessert. 

Chris takes a bite out of my teams dessert and I'm holding my breath waiting nervously with Courtney and Duncan. "I give it a seven." Chris says and I look at both my teammates and we give each other small smiles knowing the score probably could've been worse. "The Bass have 22 so the Gophers will need all ten points just to tie it up." Chris says as Lindsey sets down the dish which looks like a decent cake. "I have to say this dessert looks like a winner." Chris says stabbing his fork into it and the dessert goes up in a puff of smoke. I smile at my team knowing they aren't going to win. Chris takes a bite of what was left and would've ended up choking to death if it weren't for Owen saving his life. 

"What the heck is this?" Chris asks looking disgusted. "It's Heather's recipe. Oh my gosh she's still in the fridge!" Lindsey exclaims running back into the kitchen to release Heather as the rest of all look at the team. "What girl was making everyone trip." LeShawana says and I have to applaud her team for doing something about it. "Oh I here that." Chris says as Heather walked out making us all gasp in horror. Her skin was a blue and her eyebrows were obviously not draw well. "You guys are so dead." Heather says to her team shivering. "Is it over?" She asked turning to her head to look at Chris. "It is the Bass win 22-12 and it's not just cause I almost died the ribs stank to." Chris says as my team cheers and Heather looks furious with her team. "Great that's just great! Why do we keep losing people!?" Heather asked her voice livid with anger as she turns and sees the tikki doll on the table. "And what is this I didn't approve this." Heather says pointing to the creepy doll as Beth runs up and grabs it. "I, I brought it back as a souvenir. You know from the other island." Beth explains and we all are shocked. "You did what?" Heather said sound shocked. 

"You mean Boney Island. The deadliest island in Muskoka the one I specifically said not to take anything from or you'll be cursed." Chris says looking at Beth. "Yeah I didn't know. I'll put it back." Beth says quickly walking away and I was thankful that creepy doll was out of site. "Okay the Killer Bass now lead with eight members to the Gophers soon to be six. And as promised the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight. A five-star dinner under the stars." Chris says making me and my team cheer happily. I notice Duncan pick up Courtney in a hug only for him to let her go a couple seconds later and they both looked at each other shyly.

After enjoying a good dinner and having fun with my teammates I went back to the cabin and heard Beth got voted off for cursing her entire team. I can't say I don't blame them but I wish they voted off Heather the girl is becoming to much of a threat.

Total Drama Island: The Immortal Girl On The IslandМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя