Greediness dominated the two races. It was the Humans under the reign of King Leon Jacques started to question how low they are between their species to the Inhumans. Little by little, they've been thinking how weak they are. They are humans with no powers, unlike the them. They are like leaves that can easily burn whenever the Mages like too. This thought has been escalated quickly when the leader of Inhumans— King Destorio Montreux, punished a human who stole a forbidden scroll of magic. They deemed the person guilty and has been executed.

The event has been the triggering point of King Leon to get mad severely to his best friend— King Destorio. From their standpoint, they have no right to kill anyone of their species and if things like that to happen? It should be their human race to do the investigation and punish their own. Leon shouted like a mad man to Destorio. The King of Inhumans wasn't expecting the reaction of his friend. He tried to make him understand the situation and made amends, but the King of Mortals didn't listen even just a single word from him. Leon left the palace of Destorio with a thought of getting even and revenge.

Leon decided to show them how powerful they are too. Even without powers, he knew that one day, Destorio would kneel in front of him and ask for mercy to his own race. His mind has been clouded to be more powerful than his friend. And so, he seeks help.

In the forbidden Mountain of Darkness, Leon sought help to the only creature that he's sure could help him to defeat Destorio.

"Eleazar—the Lord of Darkness, The King of Mortals is here to seek your help."

Eleazar, the Dark Lord is one of the sons of their Creator. The Lord of Darkness and Apocalypse.

He was only sleeping underneath the Mountain of Darkness. He's the notorious enemy of King Lementum— father of Destorio, who cast him to stay on this mountain for eternity with the use of his overwhelming white mage power that has been given by the brother of Eleazar.

Eleazar wanted only nothing but the Eternal power of Porphyra's Orb. It's the legendary orb that his father— Creator of All, has been vested to the Kings of Inhumans to take care of. The orb has the power of Beginning and of the End. An endless power to behold.

Little did Leon know that Eleazar planned all of this. He used his minions to manipulate the King's mind and inserted those eerie thoughts against the Inhumans. He expected this day to happen.

"I only want the Porphyra's Orb in exchange for giving you powers to defeat your old friend, Leon."

"But how could I possibly get it? That orb has a self-protection power to whoever tried to get it without the permission of any royal blood of Destorio."

Eleazar laughed heartily and asked, "Are you not aware of the Advent of Prophecy?"

The Advent of Prophecy is a castastrophic vision of destruction to all mankind and supernaturals. The prophecy states that one day, the Porphyra's Orb would choose a vessel that has the blood of both races and shall bring apocalypse in the entire world.

"But no mortal and Inhumans have successfully conceived a child!"

Eleazar laughed with evil. "That's because a mortal should have the power to conceive, Leon."

Leon was not stupid not to realize what Eleazar is pointing out. He, then, grinned with the same evil.

Destorio found out the plan of his friend. News has been spread out, that for the first time in Millenia, a mortal became inhuman. And that's Leon they've been talking about. The mortal army grew with confidence because of the power their King Leon possesses.

And the war between the two races started.

Destorio was in a rage when one night he found out Leon raped his beloved Queen. He even saw a naked Leon was about to leave through their window and he gave him an evil grin. The King of Inhumans didn't waste any time and cast a powerful spell.

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