"Whatever y'all say," Lamont waved off as the doorbell went off. "I'll get it, I can walk now," Lamont cackled in excitement as he skipped merrily towards the door.

"Why is he our friend?" Ashton bumped his brows together.

Anthony shrugged with a chuckle. "We felt bad for his lame ass, remember,"

Ashton laughed loudly as he recalled Lamont's nerdy ass dressed in uniform although they didn't even attend a uniform high school. His mother had him prepped up to the max as if he went to some tuition required prep school. It wasn't until Carson, Anthony, and Ashton befriended him that Lamont showcased that he was more than just some nerdy younger kid you could force to do your homework. He was actually funny as hell and cool too. Once the guys got him some new gear and taught him how to be less of a scary little boy all the while keeping his smarts, Lamont hadn't changed since.

Opening the door, the smile on Lamont's face immediately diminished at the sight of Carson. Things were still rocky between the two and they've avoided each other for so long. Carson had taken the kids out for the day since he had nothing better to do. For him the day was filled with bickering between Artist and Gianna, Payton begging to learn how to drive, and Junior asking a million and one questions about the two seasons of football Carson played in high school.

To say he was drained would be an understatement. After Payton damn near crashed his car after he caved into teaching her how to drive, he was over the day and wanted to give the kids off to someone else—even Gianna.

When he ring the doorbell to Anthony's and Jhenea's home, he expected one or the other to answer, not Lamont. He was a bit lost for words at the sight of Lamont standing on his own legs, perfectly stable. Last time he seen Lamont, he was dependent on a wheel chair. Now it seemed like he was getting around just fine without it.  "Uncle Lamont! You're walking!" Payton and Artist shoved past Carson so they could get to Lamont and hug him.

Lamont chuckled as he hugged them both and opened his arms up for Junior and Gianna to join in as well. Carson stood there just looking, not uttering a single word. What could he possibly say? Tell him he was happy for him? Carson wasn't sure if it would sound genuine or if Lamont would even accept it. 

"Your legs not like spaghetti anymore," Artist teased with a laugh.

Lamont laughed as well. "Nah not no more. I been waiting to show you the real baller of the family. My legs work now so you can't duck the fade anymore little nigga,"

Payton gasped as if she had finally realized something. "Now your legs work, you can teach me how to drive. All uncle Carson does is yell at me when I'm behind the wheel," Payton pouted causing Lamont to glance over at Carson who simply kept his attention on Payton.

"You thought the N on the gear shift stood for "not driving" instead of neutral," Carson recalled, shaking his niece. "Anyone would yell at you while you're being the wheel saying stupid stuff like that,"

"I'll teach you, without the yelling Payso," Lamont assured.

Carson wanted to roll his eyes But he sustained from doing so. "Alright G, we gotta go," He called for his daughter.

Lamont continued to hold Gianna who had now laid her head on his shoulder, hugging him.  "Y'know, you don't gotta make stuff so awkward. If it gets us back to where we use to be, I'm really sorry, and I miss you being my brother," Lamont eased out. He was ready to sweep everything under the rug. Lamont had just went through some tough shit with loosing the capability to walk. He wasn't trying to go back to facing the same problems, he wanted to elevate and rise. His strained out brotherhood with Carson bothered him the most. He missed Carson, for his honesty and his loyalty. Things just hadn't been the same since they fell off.

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