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from tumblr user siriuslyimmoony

While you loved summer because of the warmth and sunshine it brought to the world, you couldn't help but hate it at the same time because it kept you away from your favorite place and your favorite people for three, long months.

That's why, when you received an owl during dinner from James asking you to spend a few weeks at his house along with Remus, Sirius, and Peter, you started packing your things without even replying to let him know you would be coming.

You arrived at the Potter's a few hours later via floo powder, and as soon as you stepped into their living room, you were just about tackled to the ground by two dark haired boys who you had considered your big brothers for the past six years.

Sirius left sloppy kisses all over your cheeks and forehead while James wailed and moaned into your ear about how he might die if he's ever separated from you again.

When James and Sirius finally let go of you, they passed you off to Peter who gave you a timid hug and mumbled that he missed you.

Then, you turned toward the final, and undoubtedly your favorite, member of the Marauders who had stood back a bit and watched you reunite with your other friends.

You took off running towards him and jumped into his outstretched arms with a force so great that the two of you toppled to the floor. After clinging to him for a moment, you lifted your head to look at the beautiful face you had missed so much.

"Merlin, you have no idea how much I've missed you." Remus whispered as he pulled you back into his chest.

You heard Sirius and James gagging and groaning from behind you and you swore those two were the most dramatic boys, no, the most dramatic people you had ever met.

"Really guys, get a room. I don't think my mother will be happy if she sees you two shagging on her living room carpet." James snickered.

You quickly untangled yourself from Remus and stood up, shooting a glare at your giggling friends.

"You two are acting like little children, I can't believe I missed you. I'm ready to go back home now," you said playfully.

"Well, you're stuck with us for the next two weeks Y/N, so suck it up and smile! We can't have your poor attitude affecting the rest of us. Now, everyone upstairs so Sirius and I can show you to your rooms, it is quite late," James said as he waved an arm towards the staircase leading to the second floor.

When the five of you reached the top of the stairs, Sirius led Peter to the left and James ushered you and Remus to the right. He opened the door and turned towards the both of you with a sheepish grin.

"So you see, Mum is currently doing some renovations and we only have two available guest rooms at the moment. I didn't think you two would mind sharing a room seeing as you're always falling asleep on each other in the common room. But, just in case, that couch in the corner is big enough to sleep on. Goodnight!"

James shoved you and Remus inside the bedroom and closed the door without another word. His sheepish smile might have looked convincing, but you could detect the mischievous tone in his voice and knew that he had planned this.

It wasn't a secret among the Marauders that James and Sirius believed you and Remus fancied one another. It also wasn't a secret between you and James that you did, in fact, fancy Remus. However, Remus's feelings towards you have remained a mystery that no one has been able to solve.

"You can have the washroom first, Remus, I'm going to write a letter to my parents and let them know I've gotten settled in," you said cheerfully as you set your trunk on the couch.

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