04 - Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

Start from the beginning

* Though, a bit of a risk as well. Heaven was probably watching his miracles closely right now — didn't want to get flagged for miracling items you needed for a ritual to contact the Almighty, after all.

There was a chance no one would show up, or the Metatron would arrive instead, in its big floating head glory, to scold him for trying to talk to Her when she was already very busy. Or, maybe She would actually show up, and scold him instead. Or smite him, for marrying Crowley and raising Adam. Or simply glare at him without saying a word. Goodness, that would be awkward.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Thinking about the could-bes would never help him. He needed to think about everything that could go right. Maybe She would actually help him, and not be mad for having his family *. He just needed to mentally prepare for every option, and he would be fine. They would all be fine.

* He had thought about what Her opinion on him and Crowley and Adam would be for a long while, and came to the conclusion that if it was a big, evil act, she would have dealt with it all as soon as it had happened, not wait eleven years and tack it on to an already big world-ending event. Besides, he loved Crowley and Adam — they were his family, and he loved them. The Almighty couldn't argue against love, could She? (He didn't share any of these thoughts with Crowley or Adam. They wouldn't want to hear it.)

However, as he quickly made his way through the park, Aziraphale was both shocked and scared stiff when he saw a familiar face jogging towards him down the path.

Gabriel was wearing an outfit he hadn't even seen the Archangel wear before. He seemed to be actually trying to blend in with the surrounding humans — people on runs or older ones going on walks — as he wore sweatpants, trainers, and a plain sweatshirt. Nothing he would ever expect the archangel to wear.

He tried not to think about it and pretended not to notice his boss coming towards him down the path, staring straight ahead without blinking and quickening his pace slightly. However, when he got within hearing range, Gabriel waved to catch his attention and shouted. "Hey! Aziraphale!"

He froze and his head snapped towards the archangel, who came to a stop in front of him, wearing his usual unsettling grin *. Aziraphale smiled nervously back. "H - hello, Gabriel! I didn't see you there. What are you doing ... here?"

* Most humans, and probably Crowley, would describe it as a person who never learned how to smile properly try to smile properly. Which was, technically, true.

"Looking for you!" Gabriel laughed. Aziraphale looked around anxiously at the surrounding area. They were alone on the path, no other people in sight. "It took some time to find you, since you weren't at the bookshop! So, I have to ask, Aziraphale, what are you doing in this ... little town."

"Oh, I, uh, just walking!" He stammered. "I come here sometimes for some fresh air. The streets of Soho are so busy, y'know? But, sir, I think there's more important matters at hand. Armageddon is coming, and I'm fairly certain it starts today. Just after teatime."

Gabriel gave him a weird look. "Exactly, right on schedule. What's your point?"

He gulped. He knew his fellow angels didn't feel the same way about Earth as he did, having lived there for millennias and having raised a family, but he didn't expect Gabriel to be so ... nonchalant about it. "I just - I just thought there was something we could do."

His boss laughed. "There is. We can fight, and we can win."

He puffed up *, getting more and more anxious by the second. "But there doesn't have to be a war!"

* Crowley described it like an offended mother hen.

"Of course there does." Gabriel replied. "Otherwise, how would we win it?"

soldier, poet, king (a good omens fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now