(Part 2)

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It had been a few months since you had met Logan, you and Logan had become good friends; you had actually fallen in love with Logan but never, ever said anything. You were walking around the garden filled with flowers, small Zen gardens. You and Logan laughed and smiled having a good time; Logan had brought you out here to tell you something. Logan sat down on a bench; you sat next to him looking at him curiously.

“I have a confession to make…” Logan looked at you, he lovingly grasped your hand looking deeply into your eyes, “I’m… I’m in love with you…” Logan said quickly looking down.

You gently lifted Logan’s chin looking deeply into his dark brown eyes, you leaned in and kissed him passionately, “I’m in love with you too Logan…” You smiled but tears clouded in your eyes, you knew that you and Logan could never be together.

Logan watched you get up and run off in tears; Logan quickly stood and followed you, “Princess!” He followed you back to your chambers.

You quickly closed the doors before Logan could run in, you slid to the floor and began sobbing.

“Princess… Please open the door” Logan begged hearing you sobbing on the other side of the door, “Please!” Logan cried.

A Geisha came up behind Logan and unlocked the door, she then walked away.

Logan quickly opened the door and closed it behind him, Logan turned around and saw you in another room and saw a glimpse of your breast.

You had been getting undressed; you gasped and quickly pulled up the sleeve of your Kimono, your cheeks flushing a bright red.

Logan quickly turned around, “I am so sorry…” Logan whispered.

You blushed and quickly fixed your Hanfu, you stood and grabbed Logan’s hand turning him around, you went on your tippy toes and kissed Logan passionately.

Logan smiled into the kiss and lovingly grasped your hips gently lifting you up, he wrapped your legs around your hips, Logan carried you over to the bed and laid you down kissing you passionately.

“Wait…” You muttered softly gently putting your hands on Logan’s chest; you got up and slid the doors shut.

“I’m sorry, if you don’t want to I completely understand” Logan said.

“No, I was just closing the doors…” You blushed and sat down on the bed looking at Logan, you gave him a happy smile.

Logan leaned down and kissed you passionately.

You smiled and gently pulled away, “Can I see them?” You asked taking one of Logan’s hands into yours; you looked at his hand curiously.

Bone claws slowly came out of Logan’s knuckles.

You gasped and stared at them, you gently ran your fingers along his claws, “Does it hurt when they come out?” You asked.

“Every time…” Logan sighed.

“You poor thing…”  You looked at Logan worried, “Logan…?” You asked looking at him; you gently put his hand down watching his claws retract back into his knuckles.

“Yes my princess?” Logan asked.

“How many times have I told you to call me by my name?” You asked smiling.

“Not enough…” Logan smiled.

You blushed but sighed, “Logan… You know we can’t be together right?” You tried your best to hold back your tears, “I love you, I would marry you in a heartbeat rather then that pig my father is forcing me to marry…” You said looking down sadly.

“Hey…” Logan gently lifted your chin, “Don’t be sad…” Logan begged.

“How can I not? We’re in love and we can’t be together….” Tears began streaming down your cheeks.

Logan gently wiped your tears, “Don’t cry princess…” Logan begged kissing your forehead, “Everything’s going to be alright…” Logan whispered to you.

“No it won’t Logan, I don’t want to marry that man, I want to marry you” You sighed.

“Then let’s run away together” Logan smiled.

“What?” You looked at Logan shocked, “Run away? We could never escape without my guards noticing? Even if we did, my father would find me” You looked worried.

“No he won’t, I’ll take you out of China to Canada…” Logan smiled.

“My father can’t go out of China and get me” You smiled, “But what about my people?” You asked looking at Logan worried, “They’ll be just fine, I promise, meet me in the garden tomorrow at midnight? Okay?” Logan smiled getting up opening the doors. You nodded and got up kissing Logan passionately watching him walk out of your room.

The next night

You met Logan in the garden, all you had was your bag, you wore a dark green Hanfu and hooded cloak, you waited for about an hour, you heard someone come up behind you. You turned around and saw Logan; he picked you up and carried you out of the garden and through a secret underground passage that led out of the kingdom.

Logan put you in a small carriage, Logan quickly got into the carriage, “Go!” Logan told the driver as the driver quickly whipped the horses causing them to run off quickly.

“Logan? What’s going on? Why are we in such a hurry?” You looked at Logan worried.

“I promise I’ll tell you everything once we get to the boat” Logan said.

“Boat?” You asked looking at Logan curiously.

“How else do you think we’ll get to Canada?” Logan asked chuckling, “We’ll be safe once we’re on the boat right?” You looked concerned.

Logan nodded, “We’ll be perfectly fine princess” Logan kissed you passionately.

Once you and Logan arrived at the boat, you sailed to Canada within a few months. After you and Logan had arrived in Canada, you settled down with Logan in a beautiful cabin in the Rocky Mountains. Logan had ended up purposing to you, of course you said yes and you both had a lovely wedding and lived happily ever after.

The End

Wolverine X Reader: Princess of ChinaWhere stories live. Discover now