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So before we go on with my story I have to tell you how I became the most influential criminal in the capital. Oh! Before I forget I should probably introduce myself. Names Angelica (Before you Hamilton fans go crazy on comments the name was Angela then my brain kept calling her "Angelica" so plz don't explode the chat. Ty.). Yep, just Angelica. Ya see, I'm an orphan with unknown heritage so I don't have a surname. But I made my own, nowadays I'm called Angelica Shiv, Angel of Death on the streets of the capital of the Empire, Thalis(the city's called Thalis). Right now I'll tell you how I got that name and why I'm the most feared criminal. So back when I was left by my family on the streets, I was left on the step of the local orphanage with just a mysterious scroll with me. I wasn't one of the lucky kids, the orphanage nuns were the bad kind, so we basically were left to ourselves; which brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "survival of the fittest". So with nothing but my wits and skills I made a name for myself. The only way to do that was crime. So, I went and roughed up a few other urchins to pass word along that there's a new streetlord in town named Angelica, Angelica Shiv. My name grew and soon people were lining up to join me, seeing as I was now faced with a growing gang I figured it would have to have a name. Because I had taken over the castle district in the city as my turf, I decided on the name "The Top-Hat Clan". Soon my power grew and I went and made alliances with the gangs of the other districts in town, basically if they gave me half of their pickings I would let them keep their territory. Sure, it would be more profitable to take over their territory but I like giving people mercy. You remember in the beginning I mentioned a mysterious scroll? Well it was with a note that said once I had turned 14 years of age I was to read it. Moving on from that topic I'll describe my gang lair because, why not? The lair is in an abandoned warehouse that I re-purposed for my use. The first room is the waiting room, members of the top hats may continue on from that room but other people have to wait in that room until I decide to speak to them. The room beyond that is my throne room, with a high domed ceiling and banners with the gang symbol hanging on the walls, the room was perfect. A thick, soft, dark green rug ran the length of the room with gold fringe on the sides of it, leaving one central aisle to the throne. Molded from a single block of gold, it was engraved with intricate swoops and arches in the back and detailed carvings of snarling wolves as the arms, with a seat and back of forest green velvet. On the sides of the rug, glass cages showed trophies of some of our greatest heists, an intricate crown of gold from the palace, taken directly from the queens head, a gilded sword from the Grand Dukes fireplace mantel, the list goes on and on. At the back of the room and on either side of the throne are heavy wooden doors. The left door goes to sleeping quarters for the gang members, the right door is to the training room, for all our training needs. In the training room we can train with weapons, lock picking, stealth, and archery. The room is circular with a round sand pit in the center for sparring, racks of all sorts of weapons, and targets for shooting practice on the far wall. Now onto the gang itself and it's ranks. The first rank is Newbie and you get a green belt to signify that rank, second is Member where you get a green neckerchief to signify that rank, third is Trusted and you get a green half cape to signify that rank, and fourth is Veteran and you get a green velvet vest and maybe a black velvet top hat if you so wish, and everyone gets a small black bowler hat with their uniform. Now that the past is introduced, time to move onto the present.
A/N: Phew! Prologue is done! And pretty long too! You have no idea how much I wanted to end it sooner and because I probably won't update as often as I should I'll try to keep the minimum word count over 1000 words so that's my personal torture.

Tales of the Were Academy *Rewritten* Book 1 of the Were Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now