~ Garfield x Reader ~

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Reader's POV:

I was walking through the generic American street of Indiana, listening to Skrillex while eating a breakfast burrito. Sounds random I know, but I was kind of in a rush and Skrillex always kept me going. I hummed to the sweet melody as I neared Jon's house. Yes, me and Jon were very good friends. Ever since I accidentally ran over his weird cat with my bike, we kind of clicked, you know?

The sweet aura of lasagna started to tickle my nostrils, even though I was like 100 feet away from the house. The smell became stronger as I neared the main entrance, but before I could knock, Jon barged out and grabbed me by my shoulders

"There's something wrong with Garfield!!" he panicked. I tilted my head in confusion "Did you mix up his vaccine with heroin again?" I asked. Jon sighed, trying to calm down. He looked scared. I was afraid he would poop his trousers for a moment.

"No, it's something else. I-I can't wrap my finger around it" he answered, pulling me into his house. He led me through hallways and then up the stairs into Garfield's room. "Don't even ask, just take a look for yourself" he said, opening the door for me to take a peek.

There he sat. In his bed. Staring at the wall in front of him. I didn't react at first and was about to tell Jon he was paranoid for no reason, but then...Then I saw Garfield's head start to turn. His body was completely stiff while his head kept turning slowly in my direction. It didn't stop before his head was turned in a 180-degree angle. He stared at me with cold eyes.

"This human form is limiting" he said with the most eerie voice. I shut the door as hard as I could and turned to look at Jon. "I want whatever he took" I said.

"I'm afraid it's not drugs Y/N. He has been like this for a while now. He won't even eat lasagna and I haven't heard shit about Mondays yet." Jon sighed. "He also keeps mumbling to himself in Latin. I don't know...perhaps he has the flu?" he added.

"Dude, I got this. I know exactly what to do. What he needs is an exorcism" I answered. Jon looked at me with wide eyes "Have you performed exorcisms before?" He asked, clearly impressed.

"Well not really, but I watched the movie Exorcist once" I exclaimed, pulling out a bible from my pocket.

"Do you just carry that everywhere?" He asked, pointing at the bible.

"Who doesn't?" I answered, entering Garfield's room.


We tackled Garfield and tied him to the bed with what we could find. Jon pulled out a pair of pink fluffy hand cuffs and secured Garfield's paws. What a fancy touch, ngl.

"Foolish mortals, such nonsense will not banish me from this body" Garfield roared.

"Shut up" I said.



I placed my palm on the top of Garfield's head and flipped through the pages of the Bible. "Ah, this looks holy enough" I said as I proceeded to read what was called the Book of Deuteronomy (the part of the bible with stupid rules and anti-gay stuff btw). Garfield shook and levitated at the words.

"Are you sure that's the right page?" Jon asked, concerned for his disabled cat's wellbeing.

"Not sure, but it's working" I said, as we both looked at Garfield. His fragile body shook violently, like a vibrator, before going limp. Me and Jon stared at Garfield, waiting for him to wake up.

"Y-Y/N?..." Garfield mumbled, opening his tired eyes.

"I'll leave you two alone" Jon whispered before exiting the room. I nodded in his direction before looking back at Garfield while stroking his fine fur. "You're okay now Garfie" I smiled.

He looked at me coldly, before a smug smile appeared on his lips. "You know...being possessed has made me kind of hungry..." he whispered.

"for lasagna?" I asked.

"You" he corrected, before pulling his head in for a kiss. His harsh cat-tongue danced with mine for a while before he finally pulled away. "Untie me" he demanded. I did what he asked and when he was finally free, he grabbed me and pinned me down to the bed. "I wonder if you taste better than lasagna" he smirked, before lowering his head between my thighs. I moaned.

***2 mins later***

After a good fuck, I rolled over to lay by his side. "That was amazing Garfield!" I exclaimed. "I-I think I love you..." I confessed, looking at him as I waited for a response.

"I hate Mondays"

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