Please be safe

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Hc: L is away on cases leaving you with the kids.

You understood why he had to cut lots of contact. Kira was dangerous, more dangerous than anything that'd ever walked the earth. But it was painful, almost two long years not being able to see your husband. Two long painful years. But at least you had your sons, who were five and six now.

"Mummy! Can you take the training wheels off my bike!"

You turned form your book to see your eldest, Mello by your side.

"You think you can do it?" You asked.

"Yeah! Matt taught me last time we had a play date!"

Matt was over a lot, being connected to L's orphanage meant you had play dates with lots of the orphans. Matt and Mello were the bestest of friends.

"Alright, be careful ok? And make sure you wear your helmet" you replied, getting up and leading him outside.

You dug around the tool box for a wrench to get the training wheels off. Sitting by the bike and undoing the bolts. Mello eagerly waited in excitement. Once both wheels were off he immediately went for the bike.

"Ah! What did I say?"

"OH! Helmet!"

He dashed inside to get his helmet, coming back and having you buckle him up.

"Thanks mum! I'll be careful I promise!" He said, jumping on the bike ams speeding off around the backyard.

Mello was pretty tough, he could handle a few scrapes. But you always had bandaids in your pocket just in case. It seems Matt taught him well, he wasn't too wobbly and knew how to stop and start right. You turned your attention to your youngest, Near. He was sitting in the grass, stacking blocks. He seemed to like stacking toys a lot. He'd made a tower, somehow it stayed up despite being in uneven ground. His favourite teddy sat in his lap watching the tower be build before him. Going over to sit next to him, you picked up a few blocks to help.

"Having fun?" You asked.

He nodded, Near was along calmer than Mello. He preferred puzzles and board games. Mello wanted to run and climb. Helping him stack the tower higher you kept an eye on your rowdy boy on the bike in the process.

"Mummy what's for lunch?" Near spoke up.

"Fruit and sandwiches. Gotta save the rest of the food for dinner" you replied.

"With Apple juice?"

"With Apple juice, I know you love Apple juice"

Suddenly you heard a crash. Whipping your head around to see Mello, just as you thought, had fallen off his bike. Immediately going into panicked momma mode, you got up to run over. Buy before you could even get to your feet, he started laughing.

"I'm ok!" He called.

You still wanted to check him over and make sure he was ok.

"I told you to be careful!" You said.

"I was!"

Lucky he didn't have anything but a few scratches, and he was off on the bike again in seconds. That boy... the offspring of you and L and somehow more resilient than both of you combined.

You decided it was about time to go make lunch, so that's what you did. Prepared food, set the table and called the boys in. One spot for you, one for Mello, one for Near and his teddy and one empty spot for L. You missed him, you hoped he was safe.

"If you eat all your fruit I'll let you have some cookies ok?" You bribed.

The boys immediately got into their fruit, wanting those cookies. Kids, they can be so easy to manipulate sometimes. Gotta got them their fruit and veg somehow.

You spent lunch talking about play dates. As Mello was wanting to organise one with Matt again. And Near wanted to know if he could have a new puzzle because he finished his last one. You assured them you'd work on both those requests as long as they stayed out of arguments. Something the brothers did a lot.

They loved each other, you knew that. But brothers will be brothers and you'd get at least one 'MUUMMMM! Mello hit me!' A week.

After lunch, you rewarded them with their cookies and sent them off to play nicely together while you cleaned up. But you didn't get too far into the job because you were interrupted by the doorbell. Who would be here? During summer holidays? Unannounced?

Taking off your washing gloves you walked up to the front door and opened it, almost getting mental whiplash when you saw who was standing there.

"L!" You exclaimed.

"It's been a while sweetheart" he replied.

Throwing your arms around him you practically suffocated him in that hug.

"WHY DID'NT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING BACK! Now I have to organise dinner for four!" You laughed.

"Don't worry about that, I'll take you guys out" he replied.

Hearing your scream of their fathers name, the boys dropped everything and ran down the stairs. Skidding ams the corner and cheering when they saw their dad after almost two years.



Stepping aside to let them jump on him you watched as the three toppled onto the floor, embracing in a tight hug.

"Hey! I missed you guys!" L smiled.

The boys clung to him, never wanting to let go.

"Did you catch Kira?" Mello asked.

"Are you back forever?" Near added.

Sitting up and gently pushing the boys off him to do so, he answered.

"Yes, and yes. Kira won't be around for much longer, and I'll definitely be back for a long time. I need a break after that" L replied.

You smiled down at them, happy to see your family reunited again.

"Did you bring us presents?" Mello asked.

"Of course I did, go wait in the lounge room, I'll get my bags and get the presents"

Obeying their fathers commands the boys ran off to go wait in the lounge room. L sighed happily, standing up again.

"They missed you" you said.

"I missed them, and I missed you" he replied, pulling you back into a hug.

He rested his head on your shoulder, enjoying your warm embrace.

"It was torture now knowing how you guys were so such long periods of time... the case was so stressful. And I'm so tried and jet-lagged" he sighed.

"I can imagine... you better have been taking care of yourself"

"More or less... I'm sure you'd have told me off for a few things. But knowing you and the kids were waiting kept me going"

"I love you, L" you smiled.

"I love you too, (y/n)"

With those words, your lips connected into a long awaited kiss. Almost two years being being so touch starved from him and you were finally back together.

"I better get the boys their presents before they explode" he laughed.

"Yeah, I think they've been waiting for the day you came back to get their presents. And to get the bedtime stories again, it's not the same when mum does it" you replied.

"You go wait too, I have plenty of things for you as well"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now