9. nostalgia at its best

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A week had passed since Pacifica had agreed to Stanford Gleeful's request, and not much had changed. She still avoided Dipper, as much as she possibly could.

Sitting in her office at Tech G, Pacifica tried to think of how she could possibly help that demented, blue-eyed snake of a man, when Cody Chiu entered the room.

"Hey, whatcha up to?" Cody asked, taking a seat next to her.

"Just trying to finish up my work so I can go home early." Pacifica replied, sifting through files. "I'm very tired."

"Oh," Cody sighed. "So, uh, is there a reason you never called me?"

Sighing at him, Pacifica glanced up. "I wanted to call, but, I've just been so busy, and I dunno if I can really be in a relationship right now."

"I see." Cody murmured. "So it has nothing to do with the fact that Dipper's back?"

For once, Pacifica was not caught off guard when asked about the blue-eyed snake. "No, it doesn't. I could care less whether he's here or not."

"Except you were going to marry him." Cody stated. "And him being back doesn't throw you?"

"No. Like I said before, I do not care." Pacifica heaved a sigh. "Did you come here just to bug me about this?"

"N-no," Cody stammered. "I just think it's a little odd that he's back."

"Our boss is sick so bad that Dipper has to take over for now, and all you care about is the fact that I slept with Dipper?!" Pacifica exclaimed, facing Cody with full on fury.

"You. . .you slept with him?" Cody whispered, astonished.

Pacifica groaned. She hadn't meant to mention that, but Cody was really beginning to bug her. "Yes, I slept with him. We were engaged, remember?"

"I just, just didn't know." Cody looked at the floor. "I guess I'm just surprised."

"We. Were. Engaged." Pacific repeated slowly. "It would be weird if I hadn't."

Cody didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded and left Pacifica's office to her work.

Pacifica heaved an even bigger sigh and went back to her work.

For a solid hour she went uninterrupted. However, her desk phone rang and she was forced to answer it.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Pacifica, my office, now." Was the blue-eyed snake's cruel voice.

Before she could say anything, he hung up. Pacifica's breath hitched. What the hell could he possibly want from her now?

She got up from her chair and slowly made her way to his office.

Once outside his door, she halted. Was she supposed to knock? Despite it all, she knocked on his office door.


Pacifica sucked in a breath, and entered his office like he commanded. Once inside, she saw Dipper sitting at his desk, a cup of tea in his hand.

She walked up to his desk and cleared her throat. "What do you want?"

"Now now, that's no way to speak to your boss now is it?" Dipper smirked.

"Can it, Gleeful." Pacifica curled her fingers into fists. "Just tell me what you needed to see me for."

Dipper placed his teacup down on the saucer and got off of his chair. He rounded the desk and stood in front of her.

Pacifica stayed quiet. What the hell was he doing?

"Hmm," He murmured, "isn't it interesting? I can remember the last time we were in this office together."

Pacifica couldn't stop the blood from running to her cheeks. "A-and?"

"I dunno," he hummed, "perhaps I'm feeling nostalgic."

"If you think I'm going to kiss you, you are greatly mistaken." Pacifica frowned at him.

"Aw, I'm disappointed." Dipper laughed. "But no, I didn't call you in here in hopes that we'd rekindle our dysfunctional relationship."

Pacifica fumed. "Then what do you want?"

"For starters, I'd like to discuss our living situation." Dipper began.

"I'm not leaving, if that's what you think." Pacifica crossed her arms and took a step back from the deranged man.

"I wasn't even going there, Pacifica, darling." Dipper shook his head, only appearing to be lightly amused. "I don't plan on staying long, the longest I see myself staying here is six months."

"Lucky me." Pacifica glared.

"You can continue to live with my family." Dipper took another step closer to her. "However, I have stipulations."

"Which are?" Pacifica raised a brow. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she couldn't get over the fact that Dipper Gleeful was one handsome man. And he had a way with words. That didn't mean that she didn't hate his guts.

"No doubt I will have, ahem, guests over." Dipper cleared his throat. "You are not allowed to be seen by my guests."

"Don't bring your guests to my house." Pacifica replied.

"Last I checked, sweetheart," Dipper towered over her, "it is called Gleeful Manor, and seeing since we were never married and I never signed a prenuptial agreement, the manor is nowhere near yours."

"You don't even live in it." Pacifica countered. "Your 'room' is mine."

"I do not have time to argue the logistics of this with you." Dipper sighed. "You are still as stubborn as I remember, but there are some things you are. . .less stubborn with and will happily go along with."

"Watch it, Gleeful." Pacifica growled. "Are we done here?"

"Hmm," Dipper murmured. "I believe there is one more thing I called you in here for."

"And what is it?" Pacifica dared to ask.

"How mad are you that I left?" Dipper's question blew Pacifica out of the water.

She hadn't expected him to ask such a question. And why now? He had numerous opportunities to ask her this. Like when he had first arrived back in Reverse Falls, not about two weeks into it. So, what was his game?

"Well?" Dipper raised a brow and took another step closer to her, their faces barely a foot apart.

"You want to know how mad I still am?" Pacifica glared daggers at him. "I am so mad at you that I want to give you hell."

Dipper nodded, "I thought you might."

"I'm still mad that I will do this to you." Pacifica stood on her toes and pressed her lips harshly against her tormentor's. Before he could do anything, she forcefully pulled away. "I will make you wish you hadn't left. That kiss? You won't be able to forget about me, and you'll realize that you have made a huge mistake, and you will pay for it this time."

And she stormed out of the room.

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